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I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, only my own OC's! 

*Mari POV*

        I relaxed, laying back to look up at the clouds. Katara folded a blanket and Aang lounged on a tree root. 

        "I'm so bored." I said. 

        "Well, we have to wait for Sokka to get back, hopefully he found some food." Katara said. As if on que, Sokka walked up, Momo flying beside him. 

        "Great, your back, what's for dinner?" Aang asked. I sat up as Sokka opened his little pouch, pulling out......nuts. Nothing but nuts and a few rocks. 

        "Got anything else?" I asked. Sokka looked in his bag, but came up empty. 


The ground shook slightly under our feet causing all four of us to freeze. What was that? An earthquake? I grabbed my bow, just in case. I was paranoid like that. 


"It's coming from over there!" Aang shouted. We jumped up and ran toward the sound. 

        "Shouldn't we run away from huge booms? Not towards them?" Sokka shouted behind us. We found a guy in a ravine, earthebending. He was attractive, but I couldn't focus on that. He lifted a boulder and punched it into the ravine wall. 

        "An Earthbender." Katara whispered. 

        "Let's go meet him." Aang suggested. 

        "He looks dangerous, so we'd better approach cautiously." Sokka said. 

"Katara wait!" I called as she walked right out in the open. I smacked my palm to my forehead. She was going to get us killed, I just knew it. She greeted the Earthbender, but apparently he didn't want to chat as he ran off, blocking us from following by causing a landslide. 

        "Well that was strange." I said. 

"Hey, that guys gotta be headed somewhere, maybe we're near a village." Aang said. "And I bet that village has a market!" 

        "Which mean no nuts for dinner!" Katara exclaimed and even with Sokka complaining, we flew to a little village. As we walked through the streets, Aang had gotten a hat and Katara ran into a shop, us close behind. 

        "Hey, your that kid, why did you run away before?" She asked the Earthbender. He put on a poker face. 

        "You must have me confused with someone else." He said. I crossed my arms and studied him. He was nervous, slightly afraid that we'd found him. 

        "No she doesn't we saw you earthbending." Aang said. The woman behind the boy gasped, rushing to close the door and blinds. I could tell she was his mother, they looked just alike. 

"They saw you doing what?" The woman demanded, glaring back at her son. 

        "Their crazy mom, I mean, look at how their dressed." The boy said. 

"Well then, I happen to like my clothes." I huffed as the others checked themselves over. "And we're not crazy, who do you think you are?" I asked. Katara and Sokka, pulled me back, giving me the chill-out-you-might-actually-be-crazy look. I grumbled, but stayed quiet. 

        "You know how dangerous that is, you know what would happen if they caught you earthbending!" The mother scolded. They? Who was they? My question was suddenly answered when someone banged on the door, demanding to be let in. Sokka took a peek out of the blinds.                 "Fire Nation, act natural!" He whispered. I turned, pretending to be checking out the merchandise on the wall. 

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