The Northern Air Temple

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I bring to you.....a very very very very very VERY overdue chapter....oops....sorry..

I still love you all, this is late purely because of having no internet and now that it's back, I shall hope to update much faster.

So, little rant here, my laptop DIED! AND WHEN I SAY DIED I MEAN BIT THE DUST, KICKED THE BUCKET, R.I.P DEAD. DED DEAD. So, I had to wait AGES to get a new one and finally bought this tiny tiny cute little blue HP thing. And even though it's half the size of my old one and not touch screen (which I still try to touch the screen because I forget this one doesn't do that) it will do to get the job done!

Anyway, rant over, ON TO DA STORY!

*Mari POV*

We had flown for a little over a day, making up for time lost in Jeong Jeong's camp. It hadn't been easy and took a lot of bribing to convice Sokka that we needed to land somewhere and rest. Appa simply couldn't keep up the speed he was flying at for much longer.

Luckily, we had crossed over the nothern boarder hours ago, so the chances of encountering a Fire Nation attack were slim. Still, I knew better than to let my guard down.

The villages were sparse up here, built smaller and farther apart, so we made camp at a small rest area for travelers instead. There was one small pavillion with a fire pit and a few rectangular stone benches placed around it. By the time we landed, there were already a dozen or so travelers seated around the fire.

I pulled my fur coat tighter around my body as I slid off Appa, following Katara, Aang and Sokka. We managed to find a bench big enough to hold all four of us and took a seat just as an older man began telling a story about a flying man his great grand-pappy had seen on his last voyage.

"So, travelers, the next time you think you hear a strange, large bird talking, take a closer look," He said. "It might not be a giant Parrot, but a flying man. A member of a secret group of Air Walkers who laugh at gravity and laugh at those bound to the Earth by it." He finished, pointing to the sky and then to each of us. Sokka let out a sigh, his chin resting in this hand, bored.

Aang however, gave a knowing smile, looking around at all the facinated faces.

"Aren't Airbender stories the best?" He asked. I gave a slight nod. It had been interesting to say the least.

"Was it realistic?" Katara asked, completely entranced. "Is that how it was back then?" She asked.

"I laugh at gravity all the time!" Aang said before letting out a chuckle. "Haha, gravity." He said. I nudged him with a smile. The story teller appeared in front of us, holding his snow cap out.

"Jingle jingle." He said, shaking the cap to show that a tip was requested. Sokka rummaged around in his coat only pulling out some dirt and a beetle.

"Sorry." He said.

"Aw, cheapskates!" The man grumbled, walking away. I stuck my tongue out at his back. A crisp, sharp wind blew through the camp, causing me to shiver. I looked over at Aang who was wearing his usual tunic and pants. How was he not freezing?

He suddenly shot to his feet, racing over to the storyteller.

"Hey, thanks for the story!" He said. The man, without even bothering to look at Aang, held his money cap out.

"Tell it to the cap boy." He said, shaking it. A single coin fell out and as Aang searched his pockets for loose change, Momo dropped down and picked up the fallen coin, placing it back in the cap. "Aw much obliged little bat thing." The man said, patting Momo on the head. The lemur hopped back into his master's shoulder.

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