The Deserter

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I just wanted to let you guys know that it is hard as frick to find images that Wattpad will accept. Like sheesh! 

Okay, guys, My Best Friend has started a new book. It's a Young Justice story called Change by LostInFairyTail. Go read it! It's great! 

Anyway, new chapter, yay!





*Mari POV*

We walked through the woods, trying to find somewhere to go in the dying sunlight. It was getting late and I, for one, didn't particularly want to camp in the forest again. I was tired of picking leaves from my hair in the mornings. 

We came across a cross road with a bulletin board in the center. 

"This should tell us what's around here." Katara said, examining the various papers nailed to the wood. I watched Sokka empty his food bag into his mouth. 

"See if you can find a menu." Sokka said. Did he ever stop eating? "I'm staving." I shook my head. I heard a slight rustle in the trees to my right. 

I peered through the green foliage but came up empty. Maybe I was just paranoid. 

"I bet we'll find something to eat here!" Aang exclaimed, pointing to the poster which brightly depicted a dragon circling over a Fire Nation style palace. It didn't strike me as 'Avatar friendly'. 

"The fire days festival." Aang said. "Fire Nation cultural exhibits, jugglers, benders, magicians, this would be a great place for me to study some real firebending!" He said happily. 

"Who would want to learn Fire Nation culture? Isn't it just destroy all those beneath you?" I grumbled. 

"You might wanna rethink that." Sokka said from the other side of the board. "Look at this." We went to his side to find this wall plastered with wanted posters. Right smack in the middle was Aang's own portrait. 

"Hey! A poster of me!" He said. 

"A wanted poster." Sokka emphasized as Aang took the poster down. "This is bad."  I eyed the other posters on the board, my eyes lingering on the Blue Spirit portrait. If they only knew who had been under that mask...

"It just got worse." Katara said, pulling another poster off the wall. She held it up for us to see. 

"You have got to be kidding.." I groaned, staring at my own face on the paper. "What have I done?!" I nearly shouted. 

"Let's see....broke out of Fire Nation clutches three times now? Yeah." Sokka said, arms crossed. I glared at him, taking the poster from Katara's hand and balling it up, shoving it in my bag. 

"I think we better keep moving." Katara advised. 

"I have to learn firebending at some point and this could be my only chance to watch some masters up close." Aang said. 

"Not true, you were pretty close to Zuko and Zhao." I commented and was ignored. 

"I guess we could go check it out." Katara said, looking down in thought. Aang began a small victory celebration. 

"What?!" Sokka exclaimed. "You wanna walk into a Fire Nation town when their all fired up with all their...ya" Sokka said, moving to look his sister in the eye. 

"I think you forgot to mention the fire." I said, looking back at the wanted posters. Sokka shot me a look. 

"We'll wear disguises and if it looks like trouble we'll leave." Katara said as she and Aang headed back to where Appa was on the other side of the board. 

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