The Blue Spirit

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So last chapter might have been a little boring, I tried my best to make it more exciting, believe me I did not want to write it because it was such a boring filer episode, but oh well. 

It's done now, soooooo

On to this chapter!

By the way, those of you who vote for my chapters, literally five minutes after I've posted it, no matter how late at night it is are some of my favorite people, serisouly, I love you guys. 

Onto another matter. I know I haven't updated in a REALLY long time and I'm so sorry. I've been without internet for a while and now I've just started College (Which sucks by the way). Hopefully I'll be able to update much faster now. 

Anywho, let's get to the chapter ---->

*Mari POV*

"You know what I love about Appa the most?" Sokka asked. "His sense of humor." I groaned and rolled over, facing away from my friends. Sokka had gotten sick from the storm and he was getting worse. Coughing, sweating, and now he was loopy. The rest I could handle, but his loopiness was starting to get on my nerves. 

"That's nice, I'll tell him." Katara said, running a wet cloth over her brother's forehead. Appa grunted from his current position as our bed. Who could blame us, he was really fluffy. 

"Heehee, classic Appa." Sokka giggled as if Appa had just told him a joke about the hypocrisy of Bison politics. Aang walked in, joining Katara and Momo, who were hovering over Sokka. He was bundled up in a sleeping bag shivering, sweating, coughing, and laughing at Bison jokes all at once. It was complete madness. 

"How's Sokka doing?" He asked. 

"Not so good." Katara answered. "Being out in that storm really did a number on him." 

"Of course it did, I doubt anyone could handle storm-zilla and not get sick." I commented, rolling over to face my friends. I cringed at Sokka's sweating, snot covered face. How Katara could be so close and not throw up her lunch was a talent. 

"I couldn't find any ginger root for the tea, but I found a map." Aang informed. He...couldn't find any roots in the vast forest...but he found a map... I thought. He layed the map out on the stone floor of the temple we were currently inhabiting and looked it over. "There's an herbalist's institute on the top of that mountain." He said, pointing to the tall, pointy mountain range view we were lucky to have.

"Wow." I muttered. "Wonder what kind of business they get up there."

"We can probably find a cure for Sokka there." Aang said. I nodded in agreement.

"Aang, he's in no condition to travel, Sokka just needs more rest." Katara argued. "I'm sure he'll be better by tomorrow." I sat up, stretched my arms over my head and yawned.

"So, you stay here and take care of the infected while Aang and I go check out this herbalist." I said, standing and bending backwards to crack my back.

"I don't know....what if that place is-" She was interupted by a series of coughs. Aang and I watched with concern. Both of them were sick now!

"Not you too!" Aang said.

"Relax, it was just a little cough." Katara defended. "I'm fin-" She began coughing again, causing me to cross my arms.

"Little cough my butt, you're staying here with Sokka while Aang and I go look for a cure, got it?" I asked, leaving no room for arguement.

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