The Great Divide

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What's up Wattpadites! (Look at that, I've made up another new word!)

ANYWHO, wow, that last chapter had some trauma for our poor Mari, I feel bad....sorta :P

Well, if it was necessary, it's alright, right? RIGHT? Okay...

Rant over....for now


*Third Person POV*

The Gang flew over the rocky terrain in total silence. Aang glanced back at Mari, who had yet to move from her spot in the saddle, her knees still pulled to her chest. Her eyes were blank as she watched the world go by.

Katara moved closer to her, reaching out and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked. Mari nodded, meeting her eyes. She hadn't said a word since they left Jet's hideout a little over a day ago. The others were starting to get worried.

Even Sokka was starting to miss her sarcastic comments. He rummaged around in his bag and pulled out a pouch, filled with slices of fresh jerkey.

"Here, eat something." He offered. Mari waved him off, looking back out at the ground. Katara and her brother shared a look. Sokka shook his head, a warning look in his eye.

"Dont." He mouthed.

"Mari, what did Jet say to you?" She asked, causing Sokka to flop back. She just wouldn't listen, would she?

"Nothing, he said nothing." Mari muttered. They went silent again until Aang landed Appa in a small canyon for the night. They climbed down from Appa's back and decided on jobs. Sokka with the tent, Katara and Mari with the firewood and Aang with food.

As soon as the jobs had been assigned, Mari walked off silently. The others watched her go.

"She's not okay." Katara stated. Sokka's hands balled into fists.

"That stupid Jet, if I could just-" Katara cut him off with a hand on his shoulder. He shook her off and got to work on the tent. Katara huffed and stormed off, leaving Aang standing there confused.

*Mari POV*

I stopped beside a tree picking up another stick for the firewood. I wish the others would just leave me alone.

I leaned against the tree, staring up at the sky. Part of me was still in shock. If I wasn't Jet's sister and I wasn't from the Earth Kingdom, where was I from? Who was my family?

I narrowed my eyes and frowned. Why was I so hung up about this? I shouldn't care about what Jet said, I had a new family now, I was happy. I pushed off the tree, gathered a few more sticks and headed back toward the others.

"But what if it does rain?" I heard Katara question. Sokka knelt down to tightly secure a stake, his face pulled down with irritation.

"What if it doesn't?" He challenged. "Then I would have put the tarp up for nothing." Katara growled and stomped her foot.

Here they go. I thought. They've been fighting like this all day.

"Your infuriating!"She shouted. I sighed and sat down, ready to watch the scream fest. Again.

"Katara why don't you worry about gathering the firewood because that kindling is looking pretty sorry." Sokka commented, face smug.

"Well if you don't like my firewood.." She trialed off, chucking her sticks at her brother. Sokka jumped to his feet in anger.

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