Winter Solstice Part 2: Avatar Roku

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I'm baaaaccckkk!
Anywho, unfortunately it's finals week (blugh.) So, my posts won't be as quick as I'd like. :-(
But to all of you who have been voting, reading, following, and commenting, THANK YOU!!! I love you all!!!!
Knowing people actually like my writing is encouraging.
So enjoy this chapter, there's a big surprise in this one. ;-)

Also, this is what I'd imagine Mari to look like -----> (Ignore the eye color)

(Third Person POV)
        Aang snuck out of the village hut, careful not to awaken any of his friends, especially Mari, who knows what she'd do if she caught him sneaking out to the Fire Nation. Alone. 

        He'd would've gotten away with it, if it weren't for two things. 1) Appa wouldn't budge. 2) Mari was already awake, sitting in the saddle sharpening her arrows. 

        "Going somewhere Airboy?" She asked, nearly giving him a heart attack. 
"How did you know?" Aang asked

        "I have masterful powers of premonition." She said. "But no, seriously, I heard your plan, you were thinking out loud yesterday." Aang face palmed. 

        "Are you going to tell Sokka and Katara?" He asked.

"Nope, but you are taking me with you." She said. 

        "Like I have a choice?" Aang muttered, taking hold of Appa's reign's again and tugging on them. The Bison tugged back, growling in complaint. "Let's go Appa! Come on boy! Get your big butt off the ground and let's go!" Aang shouted. Mari lounged in the saddle, laying on her back and folding her arms under her head. 

        "I think his big butt is trying to tell you something." Sokka said, standing behind Appa with Katara and most of the village. Mari shot up and met eyes with the siblings. 

        "Please don't go Aang, the world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation." Katara pleaded. "And neither can I." Sokka glared at Mari. 

        "You knew he was leaving and didn't wake us up?" She merely shrugged. Aang's face fell as he recalled the image of the comet. 

"But I have to talk to Avatar Roku to find out what my vision means. I have to get to the Fire Temple before the sun sets on the Solstice, that's today!" Aang said. Mari leaned against the side of the saddle, one arm dangling over and listened tot he conversation. 

        Aang hopped up on Appa's head and pushed the Animal forward. Sokka and Katara ran to block their path. 

        "We're not letting you go into the Fire Nation Aang." Katara stated. 

"At least, not without us." Sokka chimed in. "We got your back." 

        *Mari POV*

Momo landed on Aang's arm and Appa licked Sokka, leaving him a slimy, gooey mess. I laughed. 

        "It's a long journey to the crescent Island, you will have to fly fast to have any chance of making it before sun set." The village leader said, handing Aang a bundle of supplies. I reached down and grasped Katara's hand, helping her up onto Appa, Sokka climbing up on his own. 

        "Thank you for your-"

"Go!" The village leader shouted, cutting Aang off. Next thing I knew, we were soaring above the ground. 

        "So, wait, you were going to let Mari go with you, but not us?" Sokka asked as we crossed from land to water. 

        "Well, she caught me first and come on, would you argue with her?" Aang demanded, looking back at us. I smiled.

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