The Storm

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Ayo! Alright, what's up guys! Another Chapter for ya and I know the last one was kinda boring and this will be too, I'm sorry, these episodes aren't the best but hey, you gotta get through it. 

And can I just say, I'm not really a fan of how Wattpad changed, yeah, I can't really find all the things I need to now. 

Anyway, your comments and votes are amazing, keep it up and hey, let's spread the word about Mari, maybe we could become the #1 ATLA story? That'd be amazing, well anyway, let's get to the story shall we? 

*Mari POV*

I was woken up by loud mumbling. Looking over I noticed Aang. He was tense and his eyes were shut tightly, his face contorted in fear. I got up and went to his side, shaking him.

"Aang! Wake up!" I said. He gasped, bolting upright and causing Momo to scramble away across Katara and Sokka, waking them as well.

"Uh...What's going on, did we get captured again?" Sokka asked sleepily, holding his weapons up.

"It's nothing, I just had a bad dream, go back to sleep." Aang, said, curling back on his side. Katara and I meet eyes, worried. Sokka went to sleep without complaint, as usual.

"Are you alright Aang?" Katara asked.

"I'm okay." He answered.

"You seemed to be having a lot of nightmares lately," She said. "You want to talk about it?"

"I think I just need some rest." Aang said, closing his eyes again. I didn't believe him. Whatever he was having nightmares over was really messing him up. Sokka suddenly shot up, a goofy look on his face.

"You guys wanna hear about my dream?" He asked. I huffed.

"No Sokka, nobody wants to hear about your deluded dreams." I said, laying back down on my sleeping bag. He grumbled.

"That's okay, I didn't wanna talk about it anyway." He said, laying back down and waving his hand in the air dismissivly. I shut my eyes and was asleep in seconds.

When everyone finally was ready to get up, we packed our things and began loading them on Appa. I stepped back as Appa yawned loudly before burying his head in his feet. He didn't look to happy about the clear skies and smooth flying that had Aang all excited. I couldn't help but agree with the ten ton beast, I'd rather be sleeping too.

But someone *cough* Sokka *cough* desided we needed to wake up an hour earlier from now on. Somehow, he'd turned into our alarm clock. An alarm clock that I wouldn't mind throwing in the ocean.

"We'd better smoothly fly our way to a market," Katara said, walking up Appa'a tail. "Cause we're out of food." She said. I groaned and flopped back on the saddle. Sokka suddenly went stiff.

"Guys wait," He said, gaining all our attentions. I sat up, waiting for him to finish. He sounded slightly panicked. "This was in my dream, we shouldn't go to the market." He said. My eyes narrowed. Was this going to be serious, or just Sokka being Sokka.

"What happened in your dream?" Katara asked. Sokka's eyes got all wide.

"Food eats people!" He said.

"Shut up Sokka." I said, flopping back as the other two just shook their heads.

"Also, Momo could talk." He said, pointing to the indifferent Lemur. "You said some very unkind things." Momo's ears feel as if he felt insulted. The wind russled my hair, bring the scent of rain with it.

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