The Siege of the North

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So, wow, final chapter in the book! We made it! 

I just had to choose Tui and La for the chapter pic because....Pieces. Any other Pieces babies out there? 

Anyway, I really hope this comes out how I want it to, there's SO MUCH happening in this chapter. You guys are going to LOVE it. (I hope) I've been so excited to write this one! Even more excited to see your reactions.

Also, as requested, this chapter is a SUPER chapter, combining parts 1 and 2 of this arc. So it's twice as long as my normal chapters. Let's see if I can keep sane while writing this. And don't worry my loves, there will in fact be a sequel! 

Also, if any of you are Young Justice fans, my sister has just gotten into writing and started an amazing Young Justice fic! It's called "Dimension Travelers" By LostInFairyTail. GO READ IT! 

Alright, Kaylynn, quit rambling, onward to the story! 

*Third Person POV*

The Northern Water Tribe boy faced Katara with an uneasy stance. He had watched each of his classmates try and fail to best her in a one on one fight, and as confident as he had been before Master Paku had announced they would be fighting, he wasn't so sure of himself anymore.

Katara however was relaxed, her stance was strong and a smirk played on her lips. She was of course waiting for the boy to make the first move so she could analyze and dictate the flow of the fight. Hesitantly, the boy pulled water from the ground up to his chest and formed a large ball of ice. It was easy for Katara to catch the projectile, twist it around her body and send it back in a liquid wave. She froze the poor boy several feet in the air.

"Nice try pupil San-kook." Master Paku said, coming up behind Katara. "Couple of more years and you might be ready to fight a sea sponge." He commented as the boy struggled to free himself. With his back turned, Master Paku melted Katara's ice prison, causing San-kook to crash down to the ground where he stayed for a few moments, laying on his back.

He looked over the rest of his students who were sitting together in exhausted and defeated states. Some still had ice in their hair while one boy's feet were frozen to the ground.

"Would anyone care for a rematch with Katara?" He asked jokingly. The only answer he received were a few groans and some head shakes. "Katara, you've advanced quicker than any student I've ever trained. You have proven that with fierce determination, passion, and hard work you can accomplish anything. Raw talent alone is not enough." He grumbled, as they both looked over to Aang. He was laying in a pile of snow, twirling a ball of air with Momo. 

Katara deadpanned, shaking her head at her friend. 

"Pupil Aang." Master Paku called in a stern voice. The Airbender sat up to attention, Momo falling on top of his head.

"Yes Master Paku?" He asked.

"Care to step into the sparring circle?" Master Paku asked with his arms crossed. "I figure since you've found time to play with house pets, you must've already mastered Waterbending." Aang floated to his feet. 

"I wouldn't say mastered but check this out." He spun in a circle, pulling the snow up with him and turning himself into a snowman. He was swiftly tackled by Momo. Katara and Master Paku simply glared down at him. She had a feeling he had used more Airbending than Waterbending there. 

Back in the village, Mari quickly pulled her new, Water Tribe boots and coat on before grabbing her weapons and leaving their temporary house. A messenger had appeared at their door early that morning with a request from the village Chief. He wanted to speak with her as soon as possible.

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