The Waterbending Scroll

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Hey guys!! Welcome back to this wonderful story!! No, but seriously, thanks for sticking around! Your WONDERFUL, AMAZING, SUPERAWESOMEISHOUS!! (That last one's not a word, but still..)


So, here's the next chapter, I don't really have much to say....bummer :( 


*Mari POV*

        I stayed huddled in the corner of the room I was still trapped in! Zuko came in from time to time, but I refused anything from him, whether it was food or blankets. He was getting irritated, but I couldn't care less. Let him get mad. 

        I turned my head away as the door opened again. 

        "Here, I brought you some rice." Zuko said, setting the bowl down in front of me. I looked at him with cold eyes. "I know your mad." 

        "Gee, you think?" I asked sarcastically. His eyes narrowed.


        "No, you listen, you can't keep me in here much longer, got it? I'm not the Avatar, so why the heck are you so interested in me?" I demanded. He sighed, standing. I shot to my feet. "Answer me! Why am I here? What do you want?" I nearly screamed. 

        His hand grabbed my arm tightly, causing me to wince. He didn't say anything, only stared at me before shoving me back and leaving the room. I huffed and sat down, kicking the bowl of rice, sending grains everywhere.

        "Stupid Prince." I muttered. I felt the ship stop and stood, going to my little window and peering out the best I could, standing on my tiptoes. Outside, I saw a village, an Earth Kingdom village. 

        If I was going to escape, now was my chance. I went to the door and and tried it. Locked. Of course it was, Zuko wasn't dumb. I  stepped back and thought for a moment. I snapped my fingers. 

        I waited until I heard footsteps stop outside my door. I hid right beside the door, where the person wouldn't see me when the door was opened. I smirked as Zuko opened the door again and stepped in, looking around. I crept out behind him and slipped out the door, closing it behind me and locking it. 

        "MARI!" I heard him shout, banging on the door. 

"See ya!" I shouted back and ran down the hall way. "Which way, which way?" I asked myself, as I ran around the ship. I picked up my pace when I heard shouting down the hall behind me. 

        "Find her!" Zuko shouted. 

"No, don't." I muttered, turning another corner. I stopped, facing Zuko. "Oh, uh, hi, your not mad about me locking you in cell are you?" I asked, backing away. I ducked as he blasted fire at me. That answered my question. I took off the other way, but didn't get very far, my path being blocked by more firebenders. 

        "Stop running, you've no where to go." Zuko said. I backed away from him, my jaw clenched. A guard grabbed my arms and pinned them to my back. 

        "Ugh, let go!" I said, struggling. His grip tightened. Zuko stepped forward, stopping inches from me. I had to fight the urge to kick him in the shin, knowing it really wouldn't help my situation. His amber eyes flicked between my own.

        "I'm not your enemy." He whispered. My eyes widened in shock. 

"Not my enemy? Are you serious? Do you know the definition of enemy? I'm pretty sure crazed, hot-headed man who kidnaps people fits the bill!" I spat. "As far as I'm concerned, your the biggest enemy facing me and my friends!" He moved away and motioned for the guards to take me back to my cell. 

Mari: Scroll 1Where stories live. Discover now