The Southern Air Temple

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I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender only my own OC's.

*Mari POV*

        We had stopped off on an island to sleep. Katara, Aang and I had woken up a few minutes ago and were ready to get going. Your probably wondering why I stuck with them. Well, I figured, Aang was the Avatar, meaning he had to defeat the Firelord and by staying with them, I'd get my chance to avenge my parents. The only problem was that Sokka was still sleeping and refused to get up. I suggested throwing him in the water, but was out voted. 

        So, instead, I helped Katara gather the rest of our things and pack them up on Appa. 

"Wait till you see it, the Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world." Aang said, tightening the ropes on Appa's horns. 

        "Really? Cause I've been to some pretty amazing places." I said. Katara's face turned sad with a little mix of worry. 

        "Aang, I know your excited, but it's been a hundred years since you've been home." She said. Realization dawned on me. Aang hadn't been home since before the war started, that means he has no idea what the Fire Nation has done. 

        "That's why I'm so excited." He said, smiling. Katara and I glanced at each other for a moment. 

"It's just, a lot can change in all that time." 

        "I know, but I need to see it for myself." Aang jumped down from Appa, landing right beside Sokka. 

        "Aang, things might be more different than you expect." I warned. 

"I'm sure I can handle any changes there are." Aang said. I sure hope so. I thought, tying down the last of our supplies. Katara tapped my shoulder and motioned for me to watch as Aang tried waking Sokka up. 

        "Wake up Sokka! Air Temple here we come!" Aang said. Sokka groaned and his eyes opened part way. I was surprised he even heard Aang with how loud he was snoring. 

        "Ugh, sleep now, Air Temple later." He whined, turning on his side and resuming his sleep. I rolled my eyes. 

        "Wow, is he always like this?" I asked. Katara nodded. 

"Oh yeah." We fell silent as Aang picked up a stick, an evil grin on his face. He ran the tip up and down Sokka's sleeping bag. 

        "Sokka wake up! There's a Brickle Snake in your sleeping bag!" I busted out laughing as Sokka's eye shot open and he screamed, jumping up and hopping around like a bean. 

        "Get it off, get it off!" He tripped and fell on his face with a growl. Katara and I held each other laughing. 

"Great your awake, let's go." Aang said. 

        "You know, for the Avatar, you're pretty evil." I said, wiping a tear away. Angrily, Sokka climbed into the saddle with Katara and I, crossing his arms and huffing. "Lighten up." I said. He glared at me, continuing with his silent treatment. I doubt this will last very long. 

        "Alright guys, here we go! Yip yip." And we were off, soaring into the clouds. I sighed. I wonder why Zuko was interested in me? Had we met before? No, I would've remembered that scar and the intense anger in his eyes. 

        "So, Mari, where did you come from anyway?" Aang asked. Sokka turned to face us. 

        "Don't bother Aang, she wouldn't tell me, so-"

"The Earth Kingdom." I answered, ignoring Sokka. Truth was, it was pretty fun making him mad. By the look on his face, it was working. "But, my family was killed and I left." I continued. I turned away, watching the fluffy masses of clouds float by us, wishing I could somehow just lay on them. 

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