[JOJO, GoldenWind] Risotto x Target!Reader

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"It's super hoooot~" You whine to your best friend, Lilla.

"Why do you think we are going to get ice cream?" Lilla stated with sarcasm.

You laughed and started running, catching Lilla of guard.

"GET BACK HERE (Y/N)!" She yelled and started running after you.

You two make it to the shop, out of breath. The cashier asked you want you wanted. You smiled and thought for a second

"Vanilla with c-"

"Blueberry with spit" Lilla interrupted.

You turned slowly to face her and chopped her head as she giggled. She looked back up at you then horror melted into her face.

"I- I have to go (Y/n). I-I'll see ya" She jumped up and ran.

You stood there confused but brushed it off.

"Sorry about her. I'll get a vanilla with chocolate drizzle, please"

The cashier walked back to prepare the ice cream. You stood there looking up at the menu. Until you felt another presence near. You looked around but no one was there.


"Are you in line?" You heard a deep voice say.

You look beside you. A very tall and muscular man, wearing a black hat and long coat, was standing there.

"O-Oh I'm sorry, I'm not" You walked backwards, to let the man in front of you.

You see the cashier walk back to the front, with you beautiful ice cream cone. You speed walk over to the counter, pay, and say thank you for the ice cream. You walk to the park nearby and enjoy your ice cream.

You finish your ice cream and look at the clock in the middle of the park. It read '1:30 pm'. Abruptly you got the feeling of someone watching you. You stood up from the bench and looked around.

"Maybe I should just go home-" you thought to yourself.

You start walking away from the park. After a little bit you noticed you were a little lost and at a beach. You sighed and walked up to the water. You randomly got a sharp pain in your throat. You start coughing rapidly and tearing up. At least 10 razor blades came up. You fell onto your knees and was breathing heavily. You heard very quiet foot steps approaching you. You turn in the direction of them. It was the man from the ice cream shop. You wobbled to your feet.

"So youre (Y/n) (L/n). The best friend of our target." He spoke.

"What...target?....what are you talking about" You said pausing frequently.

He sighed and your vision went black.....

Making a part 2 it's just I haven't slept and I have to finish a SOL soon 🥲 anyways drink some water and pet some grass


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