[JOJO, Golden Wind] Giorno x StandUser!Reader

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"Crap, I'm late for work."

You jump out of bed and dart into your work attire. You brush your teeth, grab your bag, and run to work. You run into the back room, before your boss could see you. You put on a apron and your name tag then get behind the register.

"(Y/n), You're late." Your boss yells from her office.

"Dia goddo" (Translate:"Dear God")You mumble.

She appears in the door way of the back room.

"What was that, Testa di merda "(Translation: Head of shit)

You roll your eyes as your boss stomps back to her office. You turn around to grab someone's coffee when a male voice speaks from the counter.

"Excuse me?"

You turn around and set the drink down then look him the eyes.

"Yes Sir?"

"My name is Giorno Giovanna. Your boss seemed really mad."

"Yep. In about 15 seconds she'll walk in here and throw all my stuff from my locker on the floor and say 'YOURE FIRED' and then Ill tell her." You were a capo di merda anyways' Then happily take my leave and find another job." You say as you look at your watch.

"You left out some things." He said as he giggled


"Well when you exit those doors, Ill tap you on the shoulder and ask you if you want to work for m-"

Your boss cut him off by stomping in there and throwing all your stuff on the floor.


You and Giorno giggle. You pick up your stuff and start walking walking towards the door.


Giorno followed you out.

"Guess you were right. But like I said, want to work for me?"

You giggle and except the offer.

"Ok so lets go by your house, pack up your stuff and move you into my mansion."

"Woah you own a mansion!"

"Well yeah, I'm the mafia boss."

You almost drop your things.

"WOAH so I'm working in the mafia. SO COOL"

Giorno laughed at your childness.

"My other friend will be there as well. His name is Mista and he's terrified of the number 4."

You giggle again.

"Anything else I need to know before we get to my house."

"Yes, one more thing. Do you know what stands are?"

"Do you mean that thing sneaking up behind you?"

Giorno turned around but before he could do anything, you pushed him out the way and the stand sliced your arm clean off. You screamed and gripped your arm. Your stand appeared and knocked the enemy stand into the air then disintegrated it.

"(Y/N!) Here let me heal you"

You watch Giorno's stand appear.  Its head extends into pointed tips with the back of the head hollow, giving it the appearance of a crown. Its eyes have a unique, with the 'eyeballs' embedded in cross-like structure. It has an extended ridge collar on the back of its neck and several indentations and various other patterns covering its body. As it came closer you flinched.

"(y/n), you are not a enemy, so you have no fear of me hurting you." The stand said.

It healed you to perfection. Suddenly you hear someone scream from inside the coffee shop.


'That ass' You mumble to yourself as you and Giorno go get your stuff, so you can move in the mansion.

And this is why kids, you shouldn't let Karens be bosses. They will manifest a stand and try to kill you or your friend.

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