[JOJO, StardustCrusaders] Kakyoin x StandUser!Reader

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 🥀 Angsty 🥀


You jump up and down in your chair when the teacher said there would be a new student. You loved making friends and were super hyper. The new student walks into the classroom. He had red hair that formed into a noodle on the side. You watch him go sit down and set his stuff out. After 30 minutes the bell rang for recess. You ran out the doors and waited for the boy. He walked out with paper and a art kit. You happily walked up you him.

"Hello, I'm (Y/n) (L/n). What's your name"

"Noriaki Kakyoin"

He said in a quiet voice. You followed him to the bench outside. You sat down next to him.

"Are you a artist?"


"That's cool. My brother used to draw all the time."

It stood quiet for a bit.

"W-want to draw with me?"

Your eyes lit up as you sat next to him. He passed you a paper and pencil. You two worked on your drawings.

"Hey Noriaki"

"Kakyoin is fine."

"Ok. Do you wanna see my drawing."


You turned your paper around so he could see it. It was a drawing of him. He took the paper and looked at it closer. You were laughing until he hugged you.

"Can we be friends now?"

He stopped hugging you and backed up.

"Uh.. Yeah."

(A month later)

You walking into school when the principle stops you in the hallway.

"Good morning Mr. Kire"

"Heh good morning. You were friends with Noriaki correct."

"He prefers to go by Kakyoin, and yes I still am"

"Well, he moved yesterday."

Your heart cracked. He left you behind, without even saying anything. You felt a tear drop off you face.

"(Y/n) are you ok."

He grabbed you arm and yanked it back.

"Ill see you later Mr. Kire."

You ran to your classroom.

(Flash forward but still in the past)

You start walking to your new school after moving to Japan. You eventually get up the stairs and walk in. The halls were crowded. So crowded that you fell and scraped your arm and leg. You started bleed and didn't have any Band-Aids, so you walked to the nurse's office. When you got in there a man was through the window and another man standing in front of you. The man in front of you turned around. There was a floating creature next to him. You brought out (s/n). ((S/n) means stand name) The man looked at you surprised.

"Grab the guy over there in the window and come with me." 

"Like hell I'm doing that. I just came in here to patch up my arm and leg. I don't want to get caught up in your stupid fight business."


You groan as you walk over to the man in the window. You peer over him and see a red hair noodle, and immediately you knew who it was. 



You watch Kakyoin go flying into the water tower. Dio started coming after you next. You stomped on the roof, causing gravel and wood jump up. You threw it at Dio and ran for the water tower.

"Kakyoin, you'll be fine. I can fix you up."

You looked down at the wound and started tearing up

"It will be fine, just fine. He punched all the way through, jeez."

While you were figuring out how you could save him, he launched his last emerald splash.

"What the hell Kakyoin. I'm trying to save you not k-"

You heard his heart stop. You stood there, not moving a inch. He was actually gone, forever. All the strength left your body. You fell backwards off the building's top, but (s/n) caught you. You were breathing heavily.

"OI (Y/n), what happened."

You turn to your side to see Jotaro and Polarneff. As you tried to explain to Jotaro what happened you ended up crying, only getting the important words out. Soon Polarneff hugged you and the three of you met up with Joseph and defeated Dio. 

At the airport you waved and watched Polarneff leave. You sighed and looked down.

"It will be ok (Y/n). I'm sure Holly will be ok with you staying with us until you feel better."

You turn to Joseph and give a light smile.

"Ill be ok Mr. Joestar, but thank you."

The three of you board the plane and fly back to Japan.

First angst oneshot O-O How did I do?

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