[JOJO, GoldenWind] Ghiaccio x Reader

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You woke up with a sigh then a shiver. Why was it so cold in the hideout? You got out of bed, with your blanket wrapped around you. You pulled the curtains. It had snowed, quite a lot too!!

You jumped out your room and down the stairs. You started a fire and sat down on the new couch. You turned on the T.V and started scrolling through the channels. Soon you felt a cold hand press on your shoulder. You looked behind you to see a sleepy Ghiaccio, with his red glasses sitting crooked on his face.

"Why are you up?" He asked almost whispering

"I got cold in my room so i came down here and started a fire. You're welcomed to join me." You offered

He grumbled and walked off. You knew he hated it when you are nice. He thinks since your an assassin you should be more cruel, but you could care less. You weren't going to change something about you just for your career or thoughts of other people.

You continued to look for a movie to watch. Once you found on you pulled the blanket closer to you and started watching. Suddenly 2 cups were sat on the table in front for you. You looked to see who placed them and it was Ghiaccio.

"There i made us some hot chocolate." He said and sat next to you.

You noticed his shaking a little so you flung one side of your blanket around him and pulled on it, causing him to scoot closer to you.

You two ended up watching 5 movies and going through 2 boxes of hot chocolate. After the 5th movie you two were asleep in each other's arms.
here's a super short one after that great big one. hope you guys are enjoying your day/night

The artwork shown belongs to arsonsama on instagram (aka me)

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