[JOJO, GoldenWind] Abbacchio x Reader

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You walked into the mansion and slammed yourself into the couch, where Narancia, Mista, and Abbacchio were watching a low quality movie.

"What happened to you, (Y/n)?" Narancia asked, then threw a piece of popcorn into his mouth.

"I got in trouble with some 'thugs' in the street and had to run from their 'gang'" you said, using air quotes.

Narancia and Mista laughed at you. Abbacchio got up to go to the kitchen. You looked up at the movie. The movie was about a rat stealing from people.

Abbacchio came back with a wine bottle and two glasses. He poured the red liquid into the cups and handed you one. You sat up and took it.

"Hey where's mine?!" Mista yelled at Abbacchio.

"You're underage, i'm not giving you any" Abbacchio said and took a sip from his glass
The two boys finished the movie then left to their rooms. It was just you and Abbacchio in the living room now.

"Want to watch a horror movie?" Abbacchio said, breaking the silence

"I'll go get some blankets" You said, setting your glass on the coffee table.

You grabbed two blankets from the laundry room then returned to the couch. Abbacchio had choose Halloween to watch, which happened to be one of your favorites.

With a smile, you laid down the blankets and sat next to Abbacchio. He started the movie once you were both comfortable.
By the time the movie was over, you were tired and a bit drunk. Abbacchio turned off the TV and looked back at you.

"Do you need help to your room?" He offered

You laughed and threw your arms up "Yes please"

Abbacchio chuckled at you and lifted you off the couch. You sat your head on his shoulder as he lead the both of you to your bed.

He laid you down and pulled the blanket over you.
Morning arose and your eyes slowly opened. You went to sit up but you noticed an arm laid across your chest. Your stomach dropped when you realized who was in your bed.

Abbacchio was sound asleep next to you. You picked up your pillow and slammed it into his head. He jumped awake.


"WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED!?" You yelled at him.

Abbacchio facepalmed. "Don't tell me you don't remember anything. You weren't even that drunk!"

You slammed your head into your hands "Did we...you know" The thought made your heart beat

"No we didn't fuck, you idiot" Abbacchio said and began to get out of your bed.

The opened the bedroom door and Narancia, Mista, Giorno, and Fugo fell into the room.

"I'm going to beat the fuck out of all of you" Abbacchio said, making the boys run into different directions.

Bruno peeked into your room. "Good morning (Y/n)"

"Good morning, Bruno" You said and got ready for the day.
Your day was busy with a important mission. You had to go talk to one of the prisoners in the nearby jail. Bruno didn't feel safe with you going by yourself so he had someone meet you there.

You parked at the prison and got to the front gate. You saw a familiar face.

"Let's hurry up and talk to this bastard" Abbacchio said.
The prisoner refused to talk, so you spent hours there, trying to get him to speak up. You and Abbacchio were kicked out after visitation hours were up.

"Damn it!" you yelled outside of the prison, out of frustration "That greasy little shit"

Abbacchio was silent while you went on a rant.

"Want to go out and eat?  Give you a chance calm yourself down." He asked, not looking into your eyes

"Like a date?" You smiled at him

The corners of his mouth turned "Yeah. You can think of it like that."

You cheered and began talking about a restaurant you've been wanting to go to...
He took you to the restaurant and you had an amazing time. You wouldn't stop thanking him for paying.

"Maybe we can do this again soon" He said, driving back to the house.

You smiled and grabbed his hand "Id like that"

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