[JOJO, SteelBallRun] Johnny x Reader

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(more of a modern AU)

"Johnny! Hurry up!" You yell and knock on his front door. "Gyro is going to start spamming my phone!!"

Soon the door opened and there stood Johnny. He was in plain blue shorts, a white tank top, and of course his beanie.

"Alright I'm ready, y'all can't wait one second." He said annoyed then walked to your car.

Once you two got into the car, you drove to the spot you guys were watching the firework show at. Gyro was already there.

"Took you two long enough. It's about to start!" He said then sat down.

You and Johnny joined him. The fireworks started after a minute or two.

A few minutes in, Gyro's phone rang.

"Damn, sorry guys I got to go. My dad needs me at the hospital." Gyro said in a rush.

You and Johnny understood the situation. After he left in his car, you and Johnny focused back on the fireworks.

After a little while longer, the fireworks had stopped.

"Oh I guess this is the break time before the second part of it starts" You said and stood up. "I'm going to go get the drinks from the car."

Johnny watched you walk off then looked at the ground. He had been ripping up the grass subconsciously. He was really nervous being around you already and when Gyro had left he was scared out his mind. The truth is, he loved you, ever since you saved him from getting shot. You were his hero and crush.

"Johnny you ok? You weren't responding?" You asked.

He look in front of him, at you. You handed him a water and sat back next to him.

"(Y/n) I-" He was cut off my another firework going off.

You had focused back on the show above you. Johnny sighed and looked down beside him. Thats when he saw how close you two's hands were. He suddenly got a idea, a way to tell you how he feels. He inhaled and lightly intertwined his fingers with yours. You smiled and softly gripped his hand.

You two sat like that until the show had ended. You sighed.

"That's all, but I enjoyed it." You said kindly.

"(Y/n), I— Im in love with you" He blurted out.

"Oh..." you said and turned to him.

"It had been since you saved me from that bullet. I can't believe I was so cocky back then, but please even if you don't feel the same I ho-" You shut him up by giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Shut up lover boy~"

I honestly don't know what this was

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