[JOJO, BattleTendency] Joseph x Hamon!Reader

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"JOSEPH YOU KNUCKLEHEAD!" You screamed from the oil pillar, looking down at him.

"WHAT! All i did was-" Joseph started

"ALL YOU DID WAS ALMOST BLOW US UP!!" You scream then continue to climb the pillar.

/24 hours later/

You looked down one last time before climbing a little more and finishing this part of the training. When you looked down Joseph had finally figured out how to climb on the oil and ascending slowly

"Joseph!! You better start climbing quicker before you get left in my dust!!" You scream down then leap up.

"Well maybe it would be a good idea for you to help me so we could both get out of here!!" Joseph yelled, it seemed he was getting agitated by his lack of understanding.

"Let me think about that.... No!" You laughed to yourself as you kept on climbing

Caesar rolled his eyes and focused on himself

You took one more leap and made it up. Lisa Lisa walked over and patted your back then looked down at the other 2. She sighed and went back to waiting. "They'll make it eventually, or they'll wind up dead"

You couldn't tell if she was joking or not. You laughed awkwardly.

Caesar had almost made it halfway to the halfway point while Joseph was still figuring out how to stick to the pole.

"Cmon Joseph, just.... Think about it or something!!" You looked down at him waiting, "FOCUS ALREADY!!"

"CAUSE THAT HELPS!!" Joseph yelled back at you.

"JUST LIKE... STICK!" You couldn't think of a way to describe it.

You sat down for a second, the first time you had done it, it felt as if your fingers were tingling and you were holding something that wasn't there.

"FEEL THE TINGLE IN YOUR FINGERS AND GRAB IT!" You yelled at a last resort to help him.

"Grab it.." He looked at his hands that held around the pillar. He doesn't even know what he did but something clicked.

He started to understand.

An hour later and he was getting closer to Caesar, the whole process itself was so tiring but one slip up and they were down to the beginning.

You watched from above, proud from your own, very smart, very intelligent advice. Caesar was coming up along to, it seemed he was focusing to much to come up with any flirty or smart remarks.

They time was running out and they started rushing, which was risky.

Caesar was able to make it up, with Joseph just a few meters down. Caesar laid on his back trying to catch his breath. His arms and feet shook, but calmed down after a few minutes.

But you were on the edge of the pillar, looking down at Joseph. You were getting nervous and thinking bad things like,

"What if he doesn't make it in time,"
"What if he slips,"
"What if..."

As Joseph was nearly at the top when he must've triggered a trap that made oil blast out of the pillar above him.

"What the hell..." You spoke silently, "You trying to kill him?!?!" You yelled to Lisa Lisa.

She said nothing.

You could only look back at Joseph and wish for the best.

It seemed Joseph wasn't even worried at all, you saw him inching closer and closer towards the pipping hot oil blast.

Till suddenly he used the oils flow to blast himself to the outer wall, where he quickly pulled himself up and over the edge.

You eyes widened at the sight, that was something you hadn't even thought of.

"Joseph you idiot... you really had to scare me like that huh," You wiped the sweat off your face with a smile before going over there to see him, Caesar followed.

Joseph had a few burn makes and scratches but besides that he was fine and in good spirits.

You and Caesar were happy to see him alive.

"Miss me" Joseph said with a smile then a giggle afterwards.

You kicked him in the stomach, making him rock back and forth on the edge. To stop himself from falling, he fell forward onto you.

"JOSEPH GET OFF ME!!" You screamed as you kicked your legs and flung your arms.

He started laughing then proceeded to tickle you, making you scream. Caesar plugged his ears and ran inside.

"If you guys are done messing around... good job" Lisa Lisa spoke.

You both looked at her in shock and then immediately stood up.

Joseph walked over to Lisa Lisa and started ranting about how that training was to much for him and she knew it and blah blah blah.... You walked up to Joseph and shoved him.


"(Y/n) that's enough. I'll see you guys in the morning." Lisa Lisa said then walked off, leaving you and Joseph behind.

"So (Y/n)..."

You looked over at Joseph and hummed as a response.

"That's for the help back there, i'd probably be dead right now if it wasn't for you." Joseph said with his head down

You walked over to him and he looked up at you. You pecked him on the lips and walked inside. Leaving him there dumbfounded.

Lol sorry for not updating. See you again soon

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