[JOJO, Golden wind] Narancia x Abused!Reader

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⚠ Strong topics ahead ⚠ Abuse and addictions are not something to joke about. If  any of those things or anything close are happening to you or others you know, tell someone immediately.

 People always stayed clear from me because I was quiet and hard to understand. My life at home was never good. My father was a drug addict, and my mother was a heavy drinker who enjoyed the attention men gave her. I was always alone and hated by everyone who ever met me. Well that was until I met a boy named Narancia. I was 5 when I met him, he was six. He always made me feel better no matter the situation. We would always meet up at the park, when my parents were out and leaving me alone at the house. But the third time I came back home after hanging out with Narancia, my dad was there before I was. He was outraged. So much so he grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer and shoved it slightly under my chin, before I pushed him back, ran to the bathroom, and locked myself in there. This continued with both my mother and my father for 4 years until Narancia stopped showing up at the park. I'm now 16 and no longer in contact with my mother or father. I work at a library and barley able to pay my rent for a small apartment room. I've just gotten off work when I decided to take the long way home. I was calmly walking when I noticed 3 men were following me. I started walking a little faster, hoping to lose them, but they sped up their walking too. About half way to my house I turned around and only saw 2 men. I turned back around but I was met with a baseball bat to the face. I fell backwards and covered my face before looking up and seeing the man about to swing the bat again. It was going to hit my head, but a fist hit the man and knocked him out before he could. I look back to see the other men taken care of as well.

"Are you ok?"

I look up at the boy in front of me. I tried to stand up but fell into his arms. He caught me and had a worried look on his face...Wait, now that I'm closer he kind of looks like... 




"The only person who ever called my Nara was...wait. (Y/N)!"

I nodded. He hugged me so quick and of course I hugged back.

"Narancia, we have to get back. Bucciarati is going to get worried and send Giorno after us."

Some male wearing a hat said. I stopped hugging Narancia and turned to the male.

"Bucciarati, as in the Mafia boss."

The male nodded. I turned back Nara, who was sweating nervously.

"You joined the Mafia...."

"heh yeah"


"Narancia we have to go"

"ok, Mista. So (y/n), wanna come with us to the Mansion. We can catch up there and you can meet my friends." 


We start walking to said mansion. Randomly Nara grabs and holds my hand. I smile lightly. After a few more minutes, we arrive at the mansion. We walk inside.


Mista yells. I hear footstep descending from the stairs. A man, with bobbed black hair, and a white suit with black dots and zippers on it enders the room.

"Welcome back you two."

The man walked closer to me and Nara. I hid behind Nara.

"(y/n) this is Bucciarati. He wont hurt you."

Bucciarati held out a hand. I hesitantly shook it.

"I'm Bruno Bucciarati, a pleasure to meet you (y/n). Narancia's room is up the stairs to the right. He'll meet you up there when I'm done talking to him."

 I nodded and walked to his room. I sat on the bed and looked around his room. he had two airplane models on his desk, school books messily stacked on selves, a bunch of notebooks scattered on his table. His room was pretty messy all together.

^Narancia POV^

I watch (y/n) walk away. Bucciarati turns to face me.

" Whos that?"

"oh that's (y/n) (l/n), my oldest friend. They're great, am I right."

Bucciarati giggles.

"are you going to confess or act like a wimp."

I turn to him in disbelief.

"W-What do ya mean."

There will be a part 2, because I love this boy. Sorry if there are any errors.

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