[JOJO, BattleTendency] Kars x Reader

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Thank you for the request Dancingdragon17
It was a nice day so you decided to go do some work outside. You tended to the flowers outside and pulled the weeds out of the garden. As soon as you finished cleaning up the lawn, you felt water fall onto your back.

A small sprinkle quickly turned into a flood. You ran to your house but just as you reached the porch, a cat meowed out. You looked around but couldn't find it. You hesitated but dashed away from your house, and followed the cries of the cat.

It had been an hour since the storm started. You were cold, soaked, and shivering. You didn't mind the rain but you were worried about the cat.

The cat cries eventually stopped and that's when you found yourself in the middle of no where, completely lost.

You wrapped your arms around your body, trying to keep warm but it wasn't working very well. You were quickly growing tired and started looking for any form of shelter.

You smiled once you spotted a dry cave. Using all the energy you had left, you dashed to the cave.

To your surprise, the cave was warm and light with lanterns. Your body gave out once you were inside, causing you to fall onto your butt. Your eyes began to close, when something soft and fluffy brushed against you.

You peeked down and saw a kitten. You smiled and scratched the top of its head.

"She seems to like you, that's surprising." A voice came from beside you.

You, shocked, looked up next to you. A tall man with a buff build. He had long curly purple hair.

The man squatted down and looked you in the eyes. "I'm surprised she would like a poor little human like yourself. But if she trusts you, i will too."

He took your hand and helped you up. He began leading your somewhere. The kitten followed behind

"If you are going to sleep, let me make it comfortable."

The cave extended out, way farther than you thought. It was like a mansion!

He took you back to a room. It was a dim light room with a silk lined bed.

"You'll sleep in here" He said, taking you over to the bed.

"Wait! Who are you?" You finally spoke to the man.

"mmm...Kars, the pillar man. You are?"

"(Y/n) (L/n)"

Kars nodded and pulled back the blanket. "Lay down and regain your energy."

You laid back onto the bed, your head putting the pillow. Kars pulled the blanket up to your collarbone. The cat jumped onto the bed and snuggled on your chest.

"You must be truly special! Buttercup is only this attached to me" He said and stretched his arm out to pet her.

"Buttercup is a cute name for a cat. Is there a reason you named her that?"

He smiled and looked at you "I found her in a field of the flowers"

You smiled back and felt yourself falling sleep. Kars got up and left the room.

He was an interesting person.
You were woken up to Buttercup smacking your nose. You sat up and she looked up at you.

"What's wrong little butters?" You smiled at the kitty.

She purred and jumped off the bed. Buttercup went and scratched at the door. You walked over to her, picked her up, and opened the door.

You were meeted with Kars standing there.

"Good morning (Y/n) would you like some breakfast? I have eggs."

You smiled and followed him to your dining room.

You sat buttercup down and sat at the table. Kars sat a plate of eggs down in front and sat down next to you. As you began eating, he asked you a question.

"So how did you find this place"

You swallowed the fork full and explained that you followed the sound of meowing and found yourself here.

"Oh, Buttercup got stuck in a storm again. Sorry that she tricked you into coming here." He said and bent to pet the cat, who was now at his feet.

"It's fine... I'm kind of happy i followed her here. I wouldn't of met you if i hadn't" You said and smiled at Kars.

He smiled back "You can stay here as long as you want."
I am so sorry for the super late post. But hope this one last good one.

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