[JOJO, StoneOcean] Rikiel x Reader

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"I'm so nervous!!" You said as Jolyne helped with you with your hair.

"No duh, It's your wedding day." Jolyne responded.

"It's not just that. I wanted to tell Rikiel about the baby..." You said as you stood up and looked at yourself in the full length mirror.

The dress looked perfect, your hair was perfect, even the makeup. You were perfect. The door behind you opened to show Hermès in a tux.

"Rikiel is out there and you should be in a few minutes" Hermès said

Jolyne walked over to Hermès.

"We'll see you out there, (Y/n), and remember to breathe." Jolyne said

With that those two left the room, leaving you alone for at least 2 more minutes. You looked down at your stomach with a soft smile. You then grabbed your flowers and left the room.

You hear the piano start playing and you start walking down the aisle. You see Rikiel look at you, as soon as he does he almost bursts into tears. You smile and make it up to the altar. You took Rikiel's hands and gave them a light squeeze.

"Y-You look great..." Rikiel mumbled.

You smiled at him and Pucci cleared his throat.

"Rikiel do you take (Y/n) as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"  Pucci asked

"I do" Rikiel with more tears forming in his eyes.

"And do you (Y/n), take Rikiel as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" Pucci asked again

"I do" You said, squeezing Rikiel's hands again.

You let go of Rikiel's hands and he slips the ring onto your finger and you do the same with him.

"Hey umm Rikiel...?" You said quietly

"Is something wrong?" He sounded scared

There was silence for ⏃ few seconds

"Rikiel...I'm pregnant!" You said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Rikiel pulled you in into a hug and kissed you while everyone started cheering and clapping.

/\Time Skip/\

"You can go in now, Sir" The doctor said to a nervous Rikiel.

He quickly walked in and looked at you. You noticed him and waved him over.

"Dont just stand there! Come and see your daughter." You said with a giggle.

Rikiel came over next to the bed and peered over at his newborn. She had his pink hair and gold eyes.

"C-Can I hold her" He asked

"Make sure you support her head." You said and handed her to him.

Rikiel's heart basically melted as he held his sleepy child.

/\ 5 years later /\

"DAD! MOM! COME SAY GOODNIGHT TO ME!" Your 5 year old daughter yelled from her room.

You giggled and put down your book.

"You heard the girl." You said to your loving husband.

Rikiel got up and took your hand. You both walked up to your daughter's room. When you opened the door, she was laying in her bed and hugging her cow plush.

"Good night Ruth." You said and kissed her forehead.

Rikiel went to go say goodnight. After he did, Ruth laughed up and hugged the both of you.

"You guys are the best parents and I love you"

J tatoKujosWife   Hope this is good. I had a lot of fun writing this, and it was my first request so I was of course excited!!

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