A few weeks later

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I dump my gym bag on the floor and make my way into the kitchen, grab out a glass and pour myself a drink. Someone clears the throat, and I look up. Tony looks at me from the couch. I glance at Thor, who stands near the window and maintains eye contact with Tony as I pour myself a whiskey and scull it.

'Raven, you shouldn't be drinking,' Thor scolds.

I pour myself another drink while Tony watches me silently. I had already texted him and ranted to him about my crappy week.

'If you are drinking after every shift of work, then you shouldn't be working.'

'You don't know anything about me, Thor,' I snap back.

'Are you drinking after every shift?' Thor asks.

'Absolutely am not.'

Thor glares at me as I sip at my second drink.

'Why are you here?' I ask.

'Valarie's coronation is in a month from today. You are to be there.'

'Of course.'

'You are not to be drunk.'

'Wouldn't dream of it.'

'Do not bring or lead any enemies to Asgard.'

I glare at him. 'I don't try.'

'Put down the glass,' Tony finally says.

'Or what?'

'Or I will use truth serum on you again, and you will tell me how often you're drinking,' Thor threatens.

I step backwards as my throat closes and my mouth dries. My hands shake, but I try to take another mouthful of whiskey. Thor takes a step forward, and I lose control of my powers that keeps my memories back.

My heart races, and I gasp for air. Both the glass cup and I fall to the floor. The cup shatters, but my head swims.

I groan as my throat tightens up while my heart beats madly in my throat. My skin is cold and clammy, but at the same time, I feel warm.

'Tony,' I choke out, but he's already next to me, holding my wrists gently. I look at my hands and see that there is glass in both of them, and my blood spills out.

'Raven, it's okay. No one is going to drug you.'

I can only gaze at him through tears and shaky gasps for air.

'Thor. Leave. You're not helping her.'

Archer. I can't breathe. Need you. Don't tell father; I call out for him. I slide backwards until my head is against the kitchen cabinet behind me. My eyes close...

'No, Raven. Stay awake. Archer, talk to her while I clean her hands.' Someone grabs my hands and begins digging glass out of my skin.

'Raven. Open your eyes,' Archer orders. 'Okay, good. I need you to follow my breathing, okay. In...Out....In...Out...good. Come on, keep going. In...Out...In...Out...there we go.'

The apartment falls into silence. I finally manage to get my breathing under control and see Tony finishing wrapping my hands. He lifts his head, and his eyes search mine for a moment.

'Archer, help her up and how about the two of you go and watch a movie. I'll clean up here.'

I nod, and Archer picks me up and carries me over to the couch. I'm too exhausted to try and fight him. Instead, he places me down gently on the couch and drapes a blanket over me before finally sitting down. I lean so my head is against his shoulder while he flicks through until he finds a movie.


I shake my head. 'You can go for it but I'll just have some fruit.'I take a seat at the bench and peel an orange.

'I know Tony bought everything for you but he forgot games and entertainment. We need to go and buy some.' he says as he rummages through my cupboards and pulls bowls and dishes and food out.

I look at him. 'I hope you have a car and money. I only get enough to pay the bills and food.'

He looks up from cracking eggs. 'Liar. We both know you stole money when your went on your murder spree.'

I tilt my head.

'My foster parents told me I had a twin and they helped me look for you my entire life. And then when you went on your murder spree the most common thing about the murder was that their bank accounts were always empty but their family was fine. They were as wealthy as before but they still had enough to get through life comfortably.'

I pull my phone out and, after a moment, show him my online bank account. He frowns and hands it back to me.

'I know you stole the money-' he continues mixing pancake mixture.

'I never kept any of it. I let the family have some and then the rest went to charity to support the victims and the victim families.' I cut an apple up.

He pours some pancake mixture into a pan and after a moment, 'The bike-'

I sigh. 'Birthday present from Valarie.'

He continues as he flips the pancakes. 'The clothes-'

'The Seamstress in Asgard makes my clothes and fixes my clothes as a thank you for saving her and her family.'

It's silent for a bit as he finishes cooking and serves up.

He sits down at the bench and starts eating. But he pauses midway. 'The apartment-'

'Tony Stark.' I reply as I load the dishwasher. As I take a bowl off the bench, it slips from my hands and drops and smashes. I glance at it and cast a spell, repairing the bowl and cleaning the tiles.

'You okay?' he asks as I pick the bowl up and gently put it into the dishwasher.

'I'm fine.  Let me know when you're ready to go,' I reply as I make my way back to the couch and collapse on it.      

Two hours later we are laughing and pushing a trolley through the shops, hazardly loading it with games, books and a wii set up. I shrink into my jumper as the cash register clerk glares at me the entire time. My brother notices and steps in front of me, allowing me to hide behind him. I practically run to the car as we exit the store.  

'Mind telling me what that was all about?' He asks later that afternoon as we set up the wii. 

'I was on the news a while ago. Most people hate me,' I reply shrugging as I take a remote and press start on MarioKart. We sit down on the couch and blast music while we laugh and play. Sometime later pizza is delivered and we end up both huddling under a giant soft blanket eating pizza, ice cream while bickering over who the best characters are to play within MarioKart.  

Loki's Daughter Book 4Where stories live. Discover now