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'Valarie is stuck in a snowstorm,' is the first thing I hear as I gain consciousness.

'Didn't do it.'

'No...wait...didn't do what?'

'Create the snowstorm,' I struggle to sit up.

'We know. Moving on. Valarie went after the kidnappers by herself and ended up in a snowstorm.'

I sigh. 'First of all, how did she-'

'She entered your mind to figure out who they are,' Loki enters the room.


'You were unconscious,' my father reasons as he sits down.

'Anyway, what's going on with Val?'

'Well Thor wanted you to go after and rescue her but you are not leaving this bed for a while.'

'Okay, who's going to save the royal dumbass?'

'Your brother is-' I stare at him and where he stands. 'Leaving right now!' Loki raises his voice a little.

My brother nods and shoots me a small smile as he opens a portal. He beckons for the guard in the room to come with him. The guard follows him.

'Your brother showed me where you hid Harper.'

'Is she okay?'

'She's spending the day in his room. One of your maids is keeping her entertained for now.'

I sink into the cushions. The door opens, and the nurse walks in.

'Has she been standing or moving around?' she asks Loki as she beckons a young boy to hurry up as he walks in, struggling to carry her bag.

'No. She's only moved to sit up.'

'Taking it easy for once are we?' she says harshly, but she takes extra care as she checks my dressings and rebandages my ribs.

'For now,' I reply, only to groan as she touches my bruised stomach. My head tilts into the pillow as I close my eyes tightly and focus on my breathing as she continues to poke and prod.

I start to drift asleep. She finally stops touching me and moves away from my bed.

'Loki, when she's conscious again, give her this drink it will help ease her pain. And try to keep her in bed for as long as possible.'

I don't hear what Loki says.

A cold hand touches my shoulder; just the gentle touch wakes me up.

'You heard the nurse. Have a drink.'

As my eyes open, I take the cup, and after a moment of staring at it, I raise the glass and skull the drink.

'So when are we going to tell Valarie that her daughter is okay?'

'Once she's been brought back.'

'You won't be leaving this bed until you're fully healed though.'

I nod. 'I agree.'

He stops and stares at me. I can't help but smirk. I shocked him into silence.

'I had this whole argument planned out,' he mutters to himself. Then he grabs my hand and holds it gently as he gazes into my eyes. 'I didn't think they had hurt you that bad,' he says.

I stare past his green eyes and at the golden wall. 'They were killing me while I was conjuring multiple illusions at once. Of course I'm hurt and I'm tired and Valarie isn't here to help me,' I grumble before yawning and laying my head back amongst the pillows.

'Archer should be back any minute now. Try to stay awake. Just for a little longer.'

Right on cue, the portal opens, and my brother comes in dragging a struggling Val. He practically toses her towards my bed. I watch her silently as she stumbles until she finds her footing. She spots my father and starts yelling at him about how she almost had the kidnappers, and she is okay. She didn't need Archer's help. Loki lets her yell for a moment and then holds his hand up. She stops yelling.

'Archer could you go to your room...' Loki doesn't finish his sentence aloud.

Valarie doesn't even acknowledge me, but she does glance over my way before immediately looking away.  

Usually, I would have tried to read her memory, but just the thought of it has me sinking further into the pillows and yawning.

'Sorry for keeping you awake,' Val snaps as she paces in my room.

'Val stop snapping at Raven.'

'She should have tried harder and I wouldn't be in this position now. I wouldn't have lost my daughter!'



'Enough!' I raise my voice only to regret it as I have a coughing fit immediately. Loki silently waits until I stop coughing before passing me a glass of water. I take a moment to drink before talking again. 'I can help you track down the kidnappers.'

'How?' she snaps.

Harper walks into the room with Archer. 'Hi, mum.'

'Oh my god. Harper?' Val runs over to her daughter and scoops her up, and holds her tightly. 

'I sent a clone with the kidnappers.' I explain.

'Why didn't you tell me Harper was alive and safe?' Val says. She's looking for an excuse to excuse her behaviour.

'Because I had to rely on your idiotic tendencies to chase after them to make it seem like the Harper clone they took was actually Harper.'

'If you sent a clone of Harper with the kidnappers then why did you fight the bad guys when you could have had a clone fight them?'

'I had to fight them. There's a difference between me and a clone fighting. They already know me. They know how I fight. If I had both clones there, they would have quickly realised and come straight to the castle.'

'Tell me where they are right now and I will slay them all.'

'Calm down Val. You'll get your chance once she has recovered.'

'I don't have time to wait around for her. Fuck this I'll do it myself,' she swears as she storms over to my side and throws a ball of energy at me. I cry out; my hands bunch up the bed covers around me as I try to stop myself from thrashing around in pain.  

'Get me when she wakes up and we will leave than to fight them.'

'No,' I gasp out. 'I'm not going with you.'

'What? Why not?'

'There's no need for me too. My brother can go with you.'

She glares at me and storms away, muttering to herself about something. I turn over in the bed and stare aimlessly at the wall past my fathers head. 

'She's gone. So what are your plans now? Youre not really going to let her do it by herself are you?'

'I'm going on a holiday. She'll be fine and she won't be alone.'

Loki leans back in his chair and runs his hands over his face. 'Just be safe. Its probably best if you leave now though.' 

'Let me rest for two hours and then I'll leave.' 

'Aye,' he sighs and leaves. 'I'll be back in two hours to see you off.'


I wait until I hear the door shut before closing my eyes with a deep sigh. 

Loki's Daughter Book 4Where stories live. Discover now