Asgard in Norway

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Two days later, after going over the plan and practising, Loki, Archer and I call everyone to the middle of Asgard and have them circle us.

'Okay are we ready?' I ask as we stand directly in the middle of Asgard in a triangle. They look at each other, and both nod. Everyone circles around us, with Valarie standing with the healers, ready to heal us when needed.

'Hopefully, this will only take a few minutes,' I say as we brace ourselves. Our magic seeps in and circles around all Asgard. A green dome covers the invisibility dome and touches the earth around the perimeter of Asgard. My brother yells first as the magic begins to tear at him. I stamp my foot and put more of my magic into it. His screams stop as it stops tearing at him. Slowly the outer parts of Asgard disappear. I close my eyes as I focus on the image in the father's head of where we are moving everything to. I feel us rising a little. My brother starts screaming again while my father groans.

'Raven...too much...can't...'

'Can and will,' I snap back, ignoring their doubts. I heard thuds as they fell to their knees as their magic dwindled. I stand between the two of them, falling, arch my back and fling my arms out wide. The city disappears faster as it moves to Norway. Faster and faster, it moves as I pour all my magic into it. My knees shake, and my chest heaves, but I keep going. The people disappear, and I keep going. I fall to my knees as everyone but Thor, and I disappear to Norway.

'Where did everyone...and everything go?'

I topple sideways. 'Norway. Where your father died,' I manage to get out before my chest tightens and I can't breathe.

Thor stands over Raven, his fists tightening as he struggles to work out what to do. Two ravens circled overhead, momentarily distracting Thor as he slowly connected them to be her pets. He kneels and gently picks her up. He stands up; Raven's hair hangs down as her head rolls in towards him. Her eyes are closed, and her face is calm. She looks so innocent. Bruises start to appear as her clothes shimmer into a crop top and shorts. His eyebrows furrowed in surprise. What is this? Her body falls limp in his arms as the bruises darken and her skin starts to open in cuts. He looked around him and then back at her now bleeding and shivering body. He lies her down and wraps her in his cape. He picks her up once more and flies off to Norway.

'LOKI!' Thor yells as he lands in the castle, outside the medical wing. The doors slam open, and two guards come out. They take Raven out of Thor's arms and carry to her bed, now engraved with her name on the wall at the head of it. The nurse hurries over and pulls the cape off while Loki stumbles his way to his daughter's side. He takes one look at his daughter and appears in front of Thor.

'WHAT did you do to her? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?'

'I didn't do anything. She fell in front of me and the bruises just came up.' Thor stands still as Loki hits him.

'Father enough.'

'You three. Out, right now. WHERE IS VALARIE?' the nurse yells as she pushes them out of the room. Valarie comes running in and helps the nurse set up a healing bath.

Thor, Loki and Archer stand in silence in the hall for a few minutes. Valarie slams the door behind her and glares at the free of them.

'Archer, Loki sit down,' she orders as the two sway on their feet. Archer sinks to the floor while Loki stands.

'Loki, Thor never hit Raven. She told me that when she casts large spells, she pays for it. It can be through the loss of memories or through bodily harm.'

'Why does she never choose to lose memories? She has plenty that she doesn't want.'

'She would rather keep them. She knows that when she gets hurt, she can be healed. And if she dies then Odin will just send her back because he doesn't want her.'

'The bruises just appeared as she lay on the ground and the cuts opened up when I went to pick her up. It was weird.'

'The clothes how do you explain the clothes?'

'She wore an illusion of her normal clothes and chose those ones to make it easier for us to fix her. She knew what she was doing. She always does.'

'How is she?' Raven's brother asks from the ground.

'Why are you out here. You should be in bed resting! Both of you. In bed now!' the nurse orders as she opens the door and points into the room. Loki and his son stand up and meekly walk in and find a bed.

'But, how is she?'

'She's in a coma as usual. She'll be fine once the wounds have healed which will only take a day or two.'

Loki's Daughter Book 4Where stories live. Discover now