I don't want to...

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Valarie opens the door of my hotel room and gags. 

'Bloody hell Ray what happened here?' she calls out as she carefully makes her way past the bottles of alcohol and paper in the dim room. I watch her from the desk where I sit drinking more beer while staring at the pin board flowing with guard routines and checkpoints. 

'Undercover stake outs usually don't require this much alcohol,' she complains as she gives up and sits on the edge of the bed. 

I slowly turn around in the chair and face her. She flicks the bed side light on, lighting up the room. 

'What happened to you?' 

I sigh and go to talk when I hear knocking at the door. I quickly swipe my hand in front of me in the air and all the empty bottles disappear from my room and the overhead light turns on. The door opens and Sky walks in with a bag of take-out and one of her officers. She dumps it on the desk in front of me and studies the board I made. I open the bag and start pulling out the food ignoring them and Val's question. 

'You two broke up didn't you?' Val's voice breaks the silence after a moment. 

'Yeah she's using me,' I reply nonchalantly as I continue to dig through the food until I find some fried rice and honey soy chicken. As I peel the lids off the containers someone grabs hold of my chair and spins me around. I look up into Val's worried eyes as I continue to take the lid off the food and reach behind me for the fork. 

'What?' she finally gets out. 

'She's using me to get rid of the bad guys the cops can't get rid of. You know. The same way you and Thor use me,' I begin digging into the food I claimed.

'But Ray-'

'Why is there so many different schedules?'

I spin around in my chair ignoring Val's welling up eyes. 'Oh yeah the guards have different schedules. I have only found a two minute gap where we can get past the outside guards but I haven't been able to get inside and check it out yet. I was going to do it tonight.'

'No reason why you can't do it tonight if you do it right now,' she replies. 

'Can I finish eating first it being my last meal and all?' I complain.

She glares at me. 'This takes priority.'

I roll my eyes and slam the food down on the table. 'Fine. Last time I do anything for anyone,' I mutter as I open the window and let one of my ravens fly out into the crisp night. 

'Val, don't let either of those cops near me. Got it?' I order. I wait until I see Val nod her head before I close my eyes and connect to my Raven and fly through the night to the warehouse. 

An hour later I open my eyes and stretch my legs out and make my way over to the now cold food. I pick at it as I write down the number of guards I saw and their rotation schedule I found hanging in their locker room. 

'Holy shit. We are screwed. You said they weren't supposed to increase security until tomorrow night.' The cop turns pale.

'Raven?' Sky turns to me.

'There has been no one coming or leaving except for one guy on a motorbike who delivers dominoes. That's it.'

'Any underground tunnels?' Sky questions as she stares directly at the blueprints. 

'This isn't a spy movie. The only way in or out are those three exits and the garage. That's it,' I reply pointing at the blueprints of the building. 

'Where are the girls being kept?' She continues to remain business only. 

Loki's Daughter Book 4Where stories live. Discover now