Family check-in

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'Raven!' Tony yells out from the living room. I hurriedly pull my shirt on. 


'You're brother is here!'

My brother and father stand in my living room while Tony continues to make himself a coffee in my kitchen.

'Why are you here?'

'I came to talk to Tony because he just told me you were in a bike crash.'

'When was that?' I turn slightly so I can see Tony.

'Last week,' he calls back.

Loki frowns at me. I shrug.

'I've been on drugs and sleeping to deal with the pain. It's all blurred together now.'

'On drugs?' my brother repeats.

'Wait, you don't know?' I make my way other to my couch and sit down while Tony passes me a drink.

'Obviously not. So fill me in. What else don't I know about you?'

'You know nothing about me. And I've been over this so many times already. He can tell you,' I  point at our father. Loki moves closer to me.  

'I told him it not for me to tell.'

Seriously? Rolling my eyes, I take a minute. How can I quickly answer all of his questions without having to talk too much? My eyes lit up. I pull out a dagger and stab my brother in the arm.

'What the –'

I pull the dagger out and clean his blood off it. He stares at me.

'Look at your arm,' I order.

He glances at his arm and then back at me. 'What was that for?'

I roll my eyes. 'See, you're not bleeding. That's what happens when you're a god. You have faster healing rates, inhumane strengths etc.'

'And you don't?'

'No, I don't. Hence why I'm always on some medication or constantly needing to be stitched up.'

'Raven,' my father calls. I look over my shoulder at him. 'You may live here, seeing as I can't stop you, but you have to ring or text either Tony, Natasha, your brother or I at least once a week,' I turn slightly and look at him. 'Understand?' I nod silently and stare at the wall in front of me.


She nods and stares off into the distance. Loki calls out her name, but she remains silent. Loki swiftly moves in front of her and gazes at her.

'Tony, her eyes are glazed over.'

'I figured as such,' Tony passes Loki a glass of water and some drugs. 'Give her these.'

'But she's not listening.'

'She is listening. She's just not responding. Watch.' Tony moves to Raven's side and grabs hold of her shoulder. 'Raven, hold out your hand.'

Raven holds out a hand in front of her without breaking her trance-like state. Loki places the pain-relieving drugs in her hand.

'Put the drugs in your mouth, then take the glass of water,' Tony continues to instruct while both Loki and Raven follow their orders. Loki stays with Raven until she's taken the drugs and has gone back into her trance-like state. Then he gets up and pulls Tony out on to the balcony.

'What was that?'

'What was what?'

'You were ordering her around. Why was she like that?'

Loki's Daughter Book 4Where stories live. Discover now