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I drop my bags into my hotel room and open up the mini bar fridge. There's nothing in there. I contemplate teleporting, but the thought of it makes me tired. I stalk out of my room and back down to the information desk.

'Any recommendations on the local pubs?' I ask.


An hour later, I open the door and walk in. Immediately I glance over the place only to see a familiar blonde head at the bar, with their head on the bar. I make my way through the crowd, some of them jumping out of my way. The room falls silent.

' everything ok?' I ask as I sit next to her. I shoot everyone a glance, and they start talking again.

She lifts her head to reveal tear-soaked eyes.

'No,' she cries. I spot the growing bloodstain on her shirt and stand up. I move to her side and wrap an arm in front of her.

'Can I look please?'

She nods, and a tear drops onto my hand. My other hand pulls her shirt slightly down as I check her shoulder.

'I think you've popped one of your stitches.'

'Just let it be, if I die...well. Oh well."

I pick her up and start walking her to the door. 'Can you give me your address?'

She speaks softly and tells me her address as I put her in her car. She passes me the car keys as she rests.

'I thought you moved to Norway?'

'I have...I just have business over here. How did you know that?'

'It's all over the news.'

'Right, yeah makes sense, people are obsessed with my family.' The car ride was silent, but a few seconds later, she spoke out.

'My partner was killed in a raid...because of me. I got injured and I wasn't watching my surroundings and he paid the price when it should have been me, I should have been the one that died, not him. '

I remain silent as it's aware that she doesn't want pity or sympathy. 'I know a little about wounds and looking after them so I can help you out a little.'

'Thank you.'

I pull up to her house and jump out. I quickly make my way over to her side of the car. I grab her by the waist and pull her out of the car. She winces.

'Sorry. Sorry.'

'No, it's fine,' she tries to reassure me. She opens the door to her house, and we walk in. A dog greets us as soon as we enter.

'Cute dog.' I help her up onto the kitchen bench and turn the tap on, letting the water run until warm water comes through.

'There's a small medical kit in my bathroom.'

I nod and start to walk off when she calls out after me, 'Down the hall on the left.'

A minute later, I came back with what I need. I open the kit and turn to her. I smirk. 'Normally I don't ask people this on the second date but...mind removing the shirt.'

She grimaces but removes the shirt. I take a cloth and start washing the blood off her shoulder. Every time my cold fingers graze her skin, she shivers. I try my best to ignore this as I stitch her shoulder.

'Ok done. You need to rest that or you will pop another stitch.' I am such a hypocrite. I'm not even supposed to be out of bed, yet here I am halfway across the world.

'Yes ma'am.' She replies.

'Don't be so hard on yourself. Right now, it might seem like your fault, but it isn't and I'm sure your partner would say the same thing. So please don't be harsh. Give yourself a break,' I say gently as I wipe away a tear on her cheek. My hand remains on her cheek, though.

'Thanks Raven. Would you like to borrow my spare bed for the night?'

I move closer and look deep into her eyes. Her breathing hitches. 'How bad would you like me to stay?'

She doesn't reply.

Raven. Get your ass back here right now. I sigh and step back. I flash a small smile at her. 'Sorry. I need to go home.' I drop my arm and head for the front door.

'Will you come back again?'

I wish I didn't have to leave.

'Only time will tell,' I reply as my father teleports me before I reach the front door. My bags disappear from the hotel room, and my name is booked out from the hotel as I teleport back to Asgard. 

Loki's Daughter Book 4Where stories live. Discover now