Val's Coronation

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I watch the stairs as I hear high heels clack on the stones as someone walks down. Valarie comes gliding down the small stairs into the lounge room. I can hear heels, but I can't see them due to the floor-length red silk dress. A maid follows closely behind, carrying red and white felt and fur robe.

'Raven!' Valarie yells. She picks up her dress and runs over to me. Before I can flee, she grabs hold of me and holds me tightly. 'You came!'

'Are you kidding? I would never miss your coronation,' I say as I pull back and look her up and down, taking in the tiara on her head. 'You look amazing!' I look at her robe again and sigh.

'Girls, we need to go, or the future queen will be late,' Thor says.

I grab my father's arm and pull him away. We walk out of the room before we can finish talking to them.

Minutes later, Valarie enters the room, walking proudly through the crowd. Everyone turns and watches as she enters. Thor stands on one side of the Throne, with Alec standing on the other side with the three kids from eldest to youngest. Loki stands next to Thor, and I stand on the step below Loki. I can't help but smile in relief. I don't have to worry about ruling or helping this dumbass out once she's queen. Val stops and stands at the bottom step.

'Valarie, daughter of Thor!'

Silence. Val moves up onto the first step.

'Do you swear to protect Asgard with all you're might?'

'I swear.'

'Do you swear to live up to the responsibilities of a queen?'

'I swear!'

'I, Thor Odinson hereby step down from King's duties and allow a new Queen to energy. Hurrah! Queen Valarie!' he picks up a crown and places it on her head. She smiles underneath the red tear rubies and small diamonds. They whisper for a moment before Thor hands her the golden staff, a golden rose decorating the top. He smiles at her. She looks at me and notices my emerald green dress. I put my thumbs up and laugh a little. She turns around to the crowd, and everyone yells and cheers her name.

'Alright, let's celebrate!' they cheer in response and leave the throne room.

'Well done, Queen,' I say as I pat her shoulder.

'Holy crap, I thought my heart was going to stop.'

'Well, it didn't,' I laugh.

'Alright, let's celebrate!' they cheer in response and leave the throne room.

During the celebration, I notice Val sneaking off to the side and behind a curtain.

'What are you up to?' I ask as I come behind the curtains. I glance at the heels in the servant's hands. 'Knew it. I knew it wouldn't take you long to take them off.'

She laughs and, thanks to the maid, grabs me and pulls me away. 'Oh, and I love your dress, Ray,' Val says as she nods at people while we walk past them. 'So why were you gone for so long?'

'I lost track of time.'

'Aunt Ray!' Harper yells and runs up to me.

'Hello mini-me,' I hug her. The other kids come running up to Val. She grabs them and hugs them, and I stand back.

'You look pretty, mummy,' Harper hugs her mum.

'Says you,' she continues to dote on her kids. I tune out as I gaze at the crowd looking for any threats. Then I realise Val has fallen silent and is gazing at her husband.

'Alright, let's find some ice cream,' I say as I take the kids away from their parents and over to the food table. They cheer and start eating.

Loki's Daughter Book 4Where stories live. Discover now