First Date interrupted by Asgard

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I stroll down the street, eyes on my phone, trying to find a restaurant before I go hungry. I grunt as I slam into someone. I quickly make my phone disappear and catch them before they hit the ground. I smirk as I lift her, her blonde hair tied up into a bun, showing her blue eyes blinking in puzzlement. She rubs the back of her head as she stands by herself in front of me.

'Wow... that's pretty clumsy,' I say.

'Uh, you bumped into me at full speed. I have had a big day, so I have no energy to actually...wait why am I giving you an explanation? Don't be such an ass and slow down.' I smirk as she rambles on. My eyes quickly pick up the badge and gun in her belt. I stop smiling. She's a cop. She stoops and picks up her phone, and examines it. She groans. I glance at it.

'Holy crap, that phone has more cracks than an old sidewalk.'

'Why are you still here?' she snaps as she looks at me.

'Ouch...I was just going to ask if you are okay. But never mind,' I smirk and slowly turn around and slowly walk back towards my holiday apartment.

'Thank you!' she calls out after me.

'You are so welcome,' I reply. I spin around and walk back towards her. I hold out my hand, and she shakes it as she smiles at me.

'I like seem pretty cool."

'Hmm...Thank you I guess,' I study her for a moment.

'Wow, I'd be damned, standing right in front of an Asgardian."

'Wow, me standing in front of a cop that doesn't want to shoot me or lock me away for good,' I look pointedly at her gun and badge.

'Do something illegal first...then I'll have to arrest you.'

I decide to read her mind. Why does it feel so easy to talk to her, so easy to flirt? Like how can I not flirt? Her beauty outstands the brightest light on the street.

I smirk, 'I'm interested to see where this goes.'

'Where what g-'

'You and me,' I quickly reply.

She pulls a notepad out of her jacket as her smile matches mine. She scribbles down an address and time onto it.

'Don't be late...' she says as she hands me the piece of paper.

'I don't normally date but are different.'

'Well, I try to be different. The world needs more weirdos.'

I blink. 'Okay. I'm going to go now.' I drag out as I pocket the paper and walk away. Once my back is turned, I grin.

I look around the restaurant and take a seat. I look up and watch as she enters the restaurant. She immediately spots me and stares at me for a moment.

The night goes smoothly, apart from her constant chatter. I remain silent as she chats.

'I'm sorry, I am being extremely rude. Tell me more about yourself. All I know is your name is Raven.'

'Well... I'm Asgardian, my uncle is a twat. My cousin, I tolerate her to a small extent. My father abandoned me on plenty of occasions. Oh, and I have powers of gods and I have died multiple times,' I summarise.

'Yikes,' she replies. She beats herself up for it.

'I know your name but you've only told me about your dog, but you haven't told me much about anything else,' I take charge and direct the conversation back onto her.

'Well I am a child of four, Australian breed and born and I work for the AFP.'

'I knew you were a cop of some sort.'

'So please correct me if I'm wrong. You have ice powers... and,' she trails off.

'Yes. Ice powers and magic. The magic side is too hard to explain to you.'

'...So, you're basically Elsa?' she looks me up and down and smirks. 'I dig that.'

'Hold up I have to take this,' I sigh as I pick up my phone just before it rings. 'Yes, Valarie?' I ask as I answer the phone.

'Uh, I need your help back here in Asgard.'

'And you have all the firepower you need.'

'And I need your help.'

'And I'm on a date.'

'I-oohh. Who with? Are they cute?'

She looks at her watch and sighs, and gestures to the door. I lower the phone.

'I have to go,' she says as she grabs her things.

I sigh, 'well from the sounds of this, so do I. This was nice tho.'

One last time I read her mind. Her expression has no interest. She's an entirely different person now. Whatever happened on that call brought her back to her reality. Like this date did. I know I can't date again. So why did I think I could try it again?

'Raven!' I groan. 'Wait a minute,' I say into the phone.

'Okay, then thanks for this shall I see you around?' I ask. She laughs and shakes her head; I pout. She leans forwards, grinning.

'I don't know if I can handle you having to run off every time you need to do whatever that is.'

'That is my cousin who is always in trouble and expects me to save her ass.'

She laughs. 'I'm sorry...I just don't see anything happening and I don't date.'

I teleport to Asgard.

'Ooh, who is he to be able to handle being with you?'

The door opens, and everyone turns around and watches as Loki comes in. He sees everyone and then notices me.

'What's going on?'

Val spins around. 'Raven's dating!' Val yells, then a moment later, she squeals.

Loki walks towards us, and Thor pats his back.

'He must be some guy,' Thor says.

Loki looks at him and looks back at me. 'So, what's she like?' Loki asks with a soft smile on his face.

'Uhhh guy normally uses pronouns like he, him not she,' Thor says.

Loki sighs. 'And that's my daughter. Both my children have more chances of being anything but straight.'

'So, Raven, you are?'

'At the moment...lesbian,' I whisper in the quiet room.

'YASSSSSS QUEEN!' Val shouts.

'What's she like?'

'It doesn't matter. Never got past the first date because someone interrupted me,' I replied, looking directly at Valarie.

She pouts a little, 'Sorry but I need your help.'

'What with now?'

'We're moving Asgard.'


'Once you have had time to organise what you need to do.'

'Righto. See you in a few minutes.'

Loki's Daughter Book 4Where stories live. Discover now