Natasha joins

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'Wake up,' someone shakes my shoulders. Slightly shaking my head, I curl up.

'WAKE UP!' They yell into my ear. I gasp. Years of memories wash over me. My body shakes, and I move away from them. I sit up, eyes open and glared at the Black Widow. She steps back. I drop my gaze off her.

'Either you get up and walk yourself off this plane, or I will drag you off myself,' she threatens. I glare up at her and maintain eye contact as I stand up and walk to the door. Glancing down at the stairs, I consider walking down them. Nah. Too much effort. I walk out into the air until I've cleared the stairs. I float down to the ground and drop to my knees.

'Come on, get up.'

They pull my arms I fall limp into their grip.

'Shit. Tony, help me get her into the car.'

'What?' I gasp out.

'Calm down. Calm down! Nat!' hands press me down into the mattress.

'What's going on? What?' I give up talking as my words slur together.

'Hey. It's alright. It's me. Tony.'

I squint at him. 'Wha?'

'That's a lot of what's. It's alright, Raven. You're in your apartment. Go back to sleep.'


'Sleep or I'll drug you,' Nat snaps.

'Did you just whimper?' Tony asks.

I close my eyes and sink back into the mattress as the hands move off me.

I slide out of bed and stumble out of the bedroom.

'Ah, morning sunshine,' Tony looks up from his coffee.

I drop onto the opposite couch and lie down. 'Sore.'

'To be expected. We had to stitch you up.'

'Where'd all the furniture come from?'

'Had it delivered and set up while we were flying.'

I grunt.

'Why did you come out here for?'

'Heard noise,' I mumble into my arm draped over my face.

'You came out to investigate and can't be bothered to go back to bed?' Tony guesses correctly.

I lift a hand and give him the thumbs up. My arm drops back over my face.

'Before you go back to sleep, I suggest you have something to eat and drink.' 

My eyes close. 'Don't want to.'

'Don't care. Tones, move her.'

'Leave me alone,' I continue to mumble, but they ignore me. They move my arm off my face.

'Don't touch,' I scramble backwards, my eyes flashing open. Tony moves backwards, his arms raised by his head.

I hiss and grab at my side as I sink into the cushions.

'Now that you're up. Have something to eat and drink.' Nat hands me a cup and a sandwich. I let the plate sit on my lap while Tony and Nat take a seat on the other couch. I ignore them as they watch me pick at the sandwich.

'You need to finish that sandwich before you can go back to sleep,' Nat orders as she takes the empty cup off me.

'Tony,' he looks up from his phone. 'She's mean.'

'She is mean, but you do need to finish your sandwich.'

I nibble at it and struggle to swallow it only to cough and hack on the food. Tony pats me on the back and takes the sandwich off me.

'Right. How about you go back to sleep.'

'Keep her away,' I murmur.

'I will,' he moves away, and I lie back down, eyes closing. 

Loki's Daughter Book 4Where stories live. Discover now