Moving Asgard

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The hall echoes with voices and concerns.

'It's not safe here!'

'We need to move!'

The same two concerns echo and repeat throughout everyone's voices. I stand up on the stairs, gazing down at them. Valarie stands next to the throne, while her father sits on the throne. Loki stands on the other side, also watching the crowd.


'What are we going to do?'

'We need to leave!' someone else shuts up.

Thor hits the ground twice with Gungnir.

Valarie steps down and moves closer to me. 'What the fuck am I supposed to do?'

'Do what the people say. We need to move,' I reply back loudly.

'I get that. But where?' she continues to whisper.

'Norway. Like Odin said,' I continue to speak loudly.

'Great idea. But how are we supposed to move a whole city over to fucken Norway?'

'We must rebuild and burn this city to the ground.'

'I volunteer to burn the city,' Val calls back.

'No need,' I call out over the grumbles of the people in Asgard.

They fall silent again. 'Loki, my brother and I can teleport this whole city and everyone in it to Norway, right away.'

I turn to Valarie. 'Just don't ask any of us to do any magic afterwards for a while' I whisper to her.

The room falls into complete silence. I walk down the stairs and watch as everyone clears a path for me to walk to the door.

The door slams shut as I turn at the end of the hallway. A hand grabs my arm pulling me to a stop.

'Are you for real?'


'You do realise what you are dragging us into, right?' my brother asks panic flaring up in his eyes. 'Because this type of spell is practically impossible. One person can only teleport whoever is around them. Two can possibly open a portal for about one-quarter of those people in a fortnight.'

'And yet I managed to open multiple portals, teleport two people, and have 3,200 people walk through my portals. Guess how long it took. By myself.'

'Portals?' Archer looks at me. 'It would have taken you at least eight months.'

'Wrong. It took me seven days, five hours and twenty minutes. Exactly. Sure, I was a zombie afterwards but that's beside the point.'

'Well, what is the point. To show off how much stronger you because you've been able to practice your magic?'

'Practice? I have never been able to practice because I'm too much of a danger. I only was able to practice my ice magic to keep it under control but with portals and teleporting I had a deadline to beat and peoples lives at risk so I had to push past the inevitable and complete the impossible. And it is happening again. This time I'm stronger and I'm not alone. Sure, there are more people and objects to teleport but we can do it.'

'You kids are going to be the end of me,' Loki groans. He stares at the wall behind me in silence for a moment and sighs. 'Okay. I'll go and tell everyone to go home and get a good night's rest. Both of you come with me.'

We trail behind him in silence as he leads the way back into the hall and up the stairs.

'Everyone!' he calls. 'Tomorrow morning before breakfast you are all to assemble in here again. Thor will call you when its time to assemble.'

'We are moving tomorrow morning.'

Thor dismisses everyone and we remain silent as they all leave.

'Okay, you two brats go and grab something to eat and then off to bed. I will be checking on you in two hours to make sure you are in bed and resting,' father orders.

I stare at him. 'You're fathering me. What the hell?'

My brother laughs and grabs my arm. 'I know it's surprising but let's go before he gets any more ideas,' he whispers in my ear. 'Race you to the kitchen,' he yells as he races out of the hall.

'That's not fair!' I yell back as I chase after him.

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