The final conclusion...

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 I gaze blankly up into her eyes as I continue to drift in and out of consciousness.

'Don't die on me-Please,' Val cries as she holds my hand.

I gasp once more for air as my heart races trying to keep alive. It gives up as it realises the burns and the cuts and the wounds are too much for me to live. Blood soaks the snow, turning it bright red around me. My eyes close for the last time.

The building explodes in the background, and my body continues to lay still in the snow as the ash rains down on it. My soul rises above for the last time. I look from my body to where the screams come from. The police and firefighters hold the crowd back while other firefighters and medics run to the crowd carrying the last of the girls. I watch as a portal opens near me, and Loki steps through. He looks at the body and drops to his knees. Slowly more portals open as Avengers and Asgardians come through. They form a circle around my body and Loki. My brother takes a moment but breaks free of the newly formed crowd and collapses at my side as well. 

'Don't worry. I'm fine. Please just let me rest for once. Please?' I call out to her, but she can't hear me. I look around me one more time. Maybe all the damage I caused everyone, maybe all the trouble I caused everyone wasn't so damaging. I mean, in the end, everyone is together and are more understanding, and I did bring the heroes back to the world. Maybe I wasn't the bad guy at all. And the end. Maybe I was a good guy. Maybe too good for this ugly world. But all I wanted was a happy ending.

Loki's Daughter Book 4Where stories live. Discover now