It's the end

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But Valarie wouldn't let me do that. She wouldn't let me have peace. The fire continued to rage on for a few minutes before Valarie made it vanished. Loki takes his cloak off and lays it under my body.

'Everyone get back,' Val orders as she conjures up a giant healing spell. 'I'm not letting you leave,' she whispers to herself as tears fall.

'Valarie there's nothing you can do. You have to let her go.'

'No. I brought Alec back I can bring Raven back.'

'You donated your blood to Alec. You can't do that with Raven.'

'But she's a goddess. She can't die.'

'She can. She has.'

'What were you two doing anyway?"

I sit in the snow next to my body as they continue to talk while Valarie continues to heal my wounds. She reasons to herself that she'll keep healing all my wounds and then bring me back. I rest my hand on her shoulder and sigh. She needs to leave me alone.

'Don't you leave me! Don't you dare leave me,' she whispers under her breath as she continues.

She glances up at Thor and at the Avengers. 'It wasn't supposed to go this far. I swear.'

'What did you two do?' Loki growls as he gets up.

'She was helping me save them,' Val begins to sob as my heart remains still. I rub her back silently hoping that she doesn't bring me back to this world. I've done my time.

'Who? Those random six girls? My daughter died to save six random girls?'

'Its not about those six girls. Its about every child and teenager in the world. We brought down the organization. The same organization that haunted her every day and night. She finally got revenge.'

'She was over revenge. She had found love. She had finally found peace with herself. And now,' Loki looks past my body and past the destroyed warehouse. His shoulders dropped forwards and his brother gently guided him to kneel on the ground. My brother knelt next to him and rested his head on his shoulder.

'And now she's gone.'

Sky slowly walks over and stands amongst the Avengers. 'Valarie you need to tell them.'

'I can't,' she shakes her head as she continues to desperately try to heal my body. The snow begins to melt under my body.

'I broke with Raven days before the raid. I was undercover work I had to get close to Raven to prove to the rest of the force that she wasn't a risk and that we could leave her alone but they pulled me out after Raven continue to kill people while being with me,' Sky tells the mourning crowd. Grass begins to peek out from the melted snow around my body.

'She wasn't at peace. She was plagued. She cut her fingers and arms so many times by being distracted or startled while playing with her daggers. The girl who always knows whats around her was being startled by anything from her own ravens to me entering a room.'

Flowers unfurl and bloom gently kissing my scarred and burnt skin.

'She was suffering from survivors guilt. Even years after her childhood friends was kidnapped and murdered she still blamed herself. She blamed herself once she finally had time to calm down and remember her childhood. She blamed herself and was always saying 'Only if I had walked her home that night'. She wouldn't listen to any of us even once we knew how dangerous the job was she kept saying that she had to do it. That she had to finish her job. That is was worth it.'

Emerald green roses grow through my hair and sit around my head like a crown.

'That's not all though,' Thor interrupts Valarie as Valarie finally gives up on trying to bring me back to life. Thor turns to Sky.

'Tell them what you told Raven when you broke up with her.'

Sky's hands move to her holster and the cops begin to circle around her, putting room between her and Thor and Loki who slowly stood up.

'Go on tell them,' Thor jeers.

'She wasn't going to ever go back home. She wasn't ever going to leave this job alive. Either I had to kill her days before this or she would do this and they would kill her,' Sky finally tells them.

'YOU BI-' Loki runs towards her but Thor grabs him and tackles him into the snow before the cops even had a chance to react.

'Get them out of here before Loki kills her,' Thor orders the Avengers as he struggles to hold his grieving brother. The Avengers surround the cops and march them back over to the cars. Thor finally releases his hold on Loki as the cops drive away. Loki slowly sit back up as tears run down his face as he stares at my body.

'She's not coming back is she?' he finally asks Valarie. She moves away from body shaking her head.

'I can't do it. I'm sorry. She's gone.'

Loki holds my body's hand and gazes at the snowy mountains around us. 'I'm sorry,' he whispers as the sun rises, its cold rays reaches out and touches my body now cold despite the flowers around it and burns it all.

Loki's Daughter Book 4Where stories live. Discover now