The final contract

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As I storm down the hallways to find Thor, Valarie walks out in front of me. She stands in front of me in the hallway. I move to the side to walk past her but she moves into my way. I stop and flick my dagger around in my hand.


'I've got a job for us to do.'

'Already have a job,' I reply looking past her shoulder as Thor's cape disappears around the corner at the end of the hallway.

'You can't stab him. You've tried how many times before?'

I flick the dagger around again. The cape disappears and I move my gaze onto Valarie.

'Get changed its going to take a while to go over the plans for the job.'

My clothes automatically change back to the casual jumper and trackies I was wearing this morning.

'Okay lets get out of the hallway and somewhere private.' She walks past me and back down the hallway I came from. I cast one last look at Thor before growling and turning and following her reluctantly.

'What's the job?' I ask as we walk down the stairs from and make our way back towards my wing of the castle.

'Walk faster and you'll find out faster,' she replies.

'I'll meet you in my room,' I reply as I teleport onto my couch. A second later my bedroom door flies open as she races into my room panting. I tilt my head.

'You have magic too dumbass,' I remind her as she shuts my doors still panting.

She drops onto my arm chair and after a moment she finally looks at me. 'They somehow rebuilt their organisation.'

'Which organisation are we talking about here?' I reply disinterested as I play with my dagger.

'God dammit put away your knife and pay attention you idiot,' she snaps. I flick my wrist and the dagger embeds it self into my wall. I lean back in the couch and fold my arms while maintaining eye contact with her.

'Which organisation?' I repeat.

'You remember our friend back in primary school? The one that walked home by herself one day and we never saw her again?'

I slowly nod. I had insisted we walked home together because a van had been following us for weeks but she went home by herself that day because we had to stay and talk to a teacher.

'Well I was talking to Sky while you and Thor were yelling and the cops can't touch the trafficking gang as the judge is protecting them. The same gang that took our friend.'

We knew it was the same gang because I had been hunting them since that day Lucy was taken. I had found her body two months later in their cargo holds. The police found her body two days later in the bush near our school after a teacher on a school excursion found her. The teacher of course was arrested and questions but released her death had been ruled as mysterious circumstances.

'Ray?' Val calls. I blink and tilt my head backwards to look up at my ravens.

'We know where they are. They have an auction soon and will be moving the girls in two weeks. We have a two week period to attack. They'll start increasing guards four days before the auction.'

'Which day do we go?'

'The police are still trying to get a warrant. Sky told me wait until the day before security increases to attack to give them more time.'

'Fine. Back to Australia we go then I guess.'

'Tasmania. Cradle Mountain.'

'I'll see you in fifteen days then.'

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