Month later

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Somewhere in the palace, there's a faint scream. I frown. I continue to walk down the hallways chatting to Val about how the subjects were coping with the new move as the guards surround us. I look up as someone falls down behind a potted plant. I narrow my eyes and watch as a familiar blonde-haired girl sprint away from us. I walk quickly after her leaving a confused Valarie to order guards to chase after the girl.

I groan and hurry through the guards as they corner her onto the balcony. She holds her arm close to her body. She's broken it somehow.

'Don't even think about it! Move and I will pull the trigger!' It's only then I notice the gun in her hand.

I push through the last of the guards as Valarie follows closely behind me. I glance at the gun in her hand and at the balcony railing behind her. Crap I must have brought her here accidentally. Beside me, the guards point their swords and spears at her.


I step closer to her. 'Skylar...' I call out. Val and Skylar both look at me in shock. I move closer. 'WEAPONS DOWN NOW!' I order the guards as I take that one last step and grab her gun and lower it to her side. I keep my hand on top of hers.

'I didn't know how everyone would react to a strange person. A black hole opened and I fell through. I think my arm is broken. And I think I've lost my flight and I'm in Norway and I want to go home,' she rambles panicking slightly her eyes still darting everywhere. She confirms my theory of accidentally opening up a portal as she babbles.

'Hey. Hey. I need you to calm down. Your heart rate is extremely high.' I rest my hand on her cheek as I take in the dark eyes. She hasn't slept in a while.

'I should have stayed with you,' she closes her eyes for a moment and rests her head on my hand. She pushes my hand away after a moment though.

'I don't know why you got here, but I'll figure it out. Move Valarie...get your guards in line,' I order as I gently grab her non-broken arm and pull her along as I push through the guards and past Val.

I walk her down the halls and into my bedroom.

'Nice room,' she comments as she takes in the black painted walls and the dark green and gold furniture.

' sit on the couch,' I guide her to the couch.

'Raven. Why am I here?' she asks as she sits down.

'I don't know. I've been a bit on edge. As well as worrying about you, I think maybe I accidentally opened a portal when I sneezed.'

'You worry about me.' Her cheeks turn red as she avoids eye contact. I kneel in front of her as I continue to scan her for any other visible injuries.

'Of course. You bring out a different side of me. The other side of me is pushed deep down.'

She looks away and keeps her head down. 'I'm sorry Raven... but I'm not good enough for you. I am interested but I will only break your heart I'm...'

'Skylar,' I gently lift her head so she looks me in the eyes. 'What's happened to you to make you so afraid of love? Normally I'm the one to push away any kind of love but make me feel things. You are so afraid of love and I want to know why.'

'I'm not ready to talk about that right now Raven.'

'That's fine,' I reply as I lean closer. She glances at our lips. I lean closer only for someone to knock at the door. I groan, get up and open the door without using magic. Valarie enters the room.

Father, would you mind collecting bags from Skylar's plane? I ask as I give him the details about which plane I accidentally had dragged Sky away from.

Loki's Daughter Book 4Where stories live. Discover now