Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

That night all of us sleep in the cave I found. Ross wakes me up in the middle of the night when I catch him staring at me. I raise an eyebrow, getting up off the cave ground. He quickly looks away, throwing some more pieces of wood into the fire. "Whatcha doing? Thought you'd be sleeping by now," I say, watching the orange flames dance around. "Nah. Can't sleep," he responds, running a hand through his hair. "You know what's really weird.." I go, looking up at him. "What?" I think twice about telling him that he was in my dream for the past week. "Oh, never mind. It's stupid," I tell him, lying back down on the floor. "No, tell me!" He whispers trying not to wake Josh. I shake my head, "no, it's nothing. It's just that. You seem really familiar, that's all," I tell him, deciding not to tell him about my dreams. I mean, I really don't even know this guy. "Oh, yeah, I guess I have one of those faces.." "Yeah.. Well, night Ross," I say, closing my eyes. "Night.. What's your name?" I open my eyes letting out a small giggle. "My name's Shalette. But you can call me Shally. Whatever you prefer," I tell him, closing my eyes once more. "Pretty name. Night, Shalette." I fall asleep that night with a smile on my face.

“Hey, Shally! Wake up!” Josh awakens me. “Is it morning already?” I ask, rubbing my eyes and yawning. “Yeah,” he smiles at me. I look over at the fire which has been put out and sigh. I really just want to go home. My sister is dead, my brother is dead, my father is dead, and god knows where my mother is. “Why can’t we just go to your town?” I ask. “Why don’t you ask that idiot who brought us here,” he remarks. “Hm, where is that idiot by the way?” I ask, looking over at the place Ross was sitting the last time I saw him. He’s no where to be found in the cave. “He told me he was going to look for food and water,” he tells me as I remember I haven’t had water or a bite to eat ever since yesterday afternoon. “Oh.” I get up off my spot on the ground, wiping off some dirt off of me. I walk outside the cave, invited by bright daylight. I find Ross walking back with some type of unknown bird in his hands. The things as dead as can be, and it reeks. I plug my nose with my two fingers, attempting to block out the horrid smell of the bird. “Ew, gross. You expect me to eat that?” I go, cringing my nose. “Eat, or die,” he says, throwing the bird into a fire he made. “Ugh. Why can’t you just take us back to Josh’s town? Nothing happened there.” “I could. If I wanted to.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “I don’t know. Josh can go home if he wants. Good luck to him.” “Why cant I go?” “Cause, you’ve got to stay with me.” “Why?!” He just shrugs, giving a arrogant smile. I roll my eyes, stomping off to tell Josh the good news for him. “Ross says you can leave If you want to,” I say when I see him. “Ross? So now you’re making friends with the enemy?” “No? I just simply asked him his name..” “Anyways, so lets get going home!” “Okay, but..” I take a glance at Ross who sits on a log eating the bird he caught. “But what?” he asks, making me look back at him. “You can go home. Ross said I can’t go.” “What? Why not?” I shrug. “Well, if you’re not coming with me I cant let you stay here along with that.. guy.” “Josh, don’t worry. I’ll be fine. You go home to your family,” I tell him. “No, I’m not leaving without you! I promised I wouldn’t…” I sigh, nodding my head. “Fine. Stay if you want. I just want you to be happy and go home.” “I am happy. Whenever I’m with you I’m happy, Shalette.” I blush, glancing back at Ross. For some reason, I feel safe even though I’m in the middle of a forest. And this time, it’s not just cause Josh is here with me to protect me like he’s been doing my entire life. It’s this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach that makes me trust someone else I have no experience in knowing.

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