Auntie Raven

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I woke up but I was in a tent. I look around and see someone treating my wounds.

???: Ah your awake, let me go tell Raven.

I tried to move but to no avail. I wait a little bit and there she was. The person I was fighting.

???: Ah hello there nephew.

Y/N: Nephew! I don't know who the hell you are lady!

???: My name is Raven and I'm Qrow's sister.

Y/N: You are my aunt? Really how come I've never seen you before then?

Raven: I had to go my tribe, but tell me more about yourself since I didn't think Qrow would settle down.

Y/N: Yeah well he left me at birth, then after 14 years came back. I didn't even know he was my father then. I just lived in an orphanage and after I got into signal he adopted me.

Raven: So why would you run away?

Y/N: oh yeah for those 14 years I was abused and bullied in that orphanage for not having aura.

Raven: Well here let me help you with that. For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee.

Nothing happened when she soon got to worry look on her face.

Raven: That should have helped!

Y/N: I can't generate an aura. I've seen people try that as well never works.

Raven: Well for someone without an aura you fight pretty well. Should we spar again.

Y/N: Yes we should.

Time Skip

After a couple of hours of sparring we decided to go on a break. After a while she made a portal back to Vale and left me there saying that she's going to kick my ass if I lose the tournament.

Y/N: Well today's the tournament damn Qrow is going to see me there

I arrived at the entrance and the crowd starts cheering for me. I look around in awe of how many people want me to win, then I see a familiar face my father. He tries to approach me

Qrow: P-please let me explain!

Y/N: You don't get to explain after you abandoned me!

Qrow: I-I-I'm sorry!

Y/N: Just get out of my way Qrow.

I just leave there I don't want to be associated with him anymore after what he's done. I enter the actual stadium where we're going to fight and I see Kai Shinso.

Kai: So Mister Underdog ready to get your ass beat?

I don't say anything at this point I just want this match to be over.

Referee: Okay here are the rules. First to get 25% aura or getting knocked out of the ring loses. Ready set GO!

Before anything even happens Kai speaks.

Kai: You know if I was your father I would have been in a pathetic FUCK like you as well.

I don't say anything I'm not letting him get into my head, but then he says something I can't ignore.

Kai: You probably got everything you want in life a good semblance nice friends, never got to work for anything did you?

Y/N: You don't know what it's like I had to work for-

My mind went blank it was like I wasn't in control of my body anymore.

Kai: Don't take what I said personally I just have to win, walk out of bounds.

And like that I started walking out of bounds. I was about to walk out of bounds, something inside me would not let me lose. I have to win not for anyone else but for me for my dreams and my ambitions! In a flash I was out of that trance I don't know how but I was.

Y/N: NO! I am not losing to you!

Kai How!? You were in my control how could you have possibly gotten out!?

I start to run towards him not saying a word I then begin to push him out of bounds.

Kai: Say something God dammit!

He delivers a right hook to my face. I then use all my might to kick them straighten the face breaking his aura.

Referee: Kai is unable to battle Y/N wins! Next battle Y/N VS Klara from Paradise Academy.

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