Catching up

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We go through the portal and hear Qrow with a cup of alcohol in his hands

Qrow: Raven!?

I looked at him, without saying a word. I haven't seen him in so long. Tears begin to flow as I slowly get off the motorcycle and stand there in silence.

Qrow: Y/N...

I then stand there almost trembling, I open my mouth and words refuse to come out. He then drops the drink he was holding letting it shatter on the ground and runs up to me and envelopes me in a tight hug.

Qrow: I missed you Y/N! I didn't know when I'd see you again, how did you even get here?

Y/N: I missed you so much Dad! Raven opened a portal here straight to you.

Qrow: And why would she do that? She's not the family type if you know what I mean.

Y/N: Well this time she let us, she gave us a choice, mostly Yang, a choice. Stay with her and start a new life, come with you and be forever enemies.

Qrow: Ugh of course she did, she likes making things more difficult than it has to be. I'm just glad you're here and safe, all of you.

Yang: Thank you Uncle Qrow, can you take us to Ruby. I want to apologize to her and make things right.

Qrow: Of course Goldilocks.

He guides us into a rural house nearby. He opens the door and lets us in.

Qrow: Hey I'm Back!

Ruby: Be right there!

The smell of a nice warm stew begins to creep into my nose and then a familiar burning smell, like if someone were to over cook a steak.

Qrow: Um Ruby!

Ruby: I'll be there in a sec!

After a couple of seconds later Ruby comes over with a tray full of tea. She's too busy making sure the tea doesn't fall over to notice us.

Ruby: I didn't know how many people were coming over so we just cooked everything, I hope that's-

She finally looks at us and she drops the tea making all the tea cups shatter on the floor. She stifles around a bit before she starts to speak.

Ruby: Yang, Y/N...

She mumbles her words a bit and begins to tear up.

Ruby: Yang I- I'm so sorry I should have stayed, I should have tried to talk to you more but I wasn't sure if you wanted me around or-

Yang walks up to her and gives her a hug.

Yang: I love you Ruby.

Ruby doesn't respond but just hugs tighter and they both start to lightly sob. Everyone else walks in, almost everyone except for my teammates, Kai, Klara and Bede. I haven't seen or heard from them in so long I just hope they're okay.

Ruby and Yang both let go of each other and wipe their tears off. Ruby then looks at me just extends her arms, I start walking over to her and she forcefully yanks me into a hug and squeezes me as hard as she can.

You Can't Stop Me! (bullied/abused Auraless reader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now