A Little Raven

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Yang and I are now speeding across the forest following this one guy on his own motorcycle that apparently knows where Raven is.

Yang: Hey pal how much further is it?

Bandit: Just a bit further aaaaaaand here! (Gets off his motorcycle) I'll go ahead and make sure the coast is clear.

He heads forwards and we wait.

Yang: You think it's a trap?

Y/N: Duh it's obvious as shit, so do you want me or you to call these dumbasses out?

Yang: Go ahead, be my guest.

Y/N: Alright this is so predictable, (Out loud) HEY GET OUT THE TREES AND BUSHES I KNOW YOU FUCKERS ARE THERE!

Slowly bandits start to show themselves, they arm themselves with guns and swords. Sigh maybe a warm up wouldn't be so bad.

Y/N: I'll give you two options. One you drop your weapons and lead us to the Branwen tribe or Two I break every single bone in your body and I haul 5 unconscious bodies to the tribe myself.

Bandit: You think you have a chance to defeat us, you're a kid! What are you 12, make me laugh! GET HIM.

Y/N: Fine then (Deep breath) come at me.

Yang POV


look at Y/N from my motorcycle and he looks different. His body looks calm and relaxed. One of the bandits starts running at him with a crowbar Y/N dodges down and then sweeps his legs and uppercuts him. Another bandit with a metal dagger tries to come up behind him and stab him; he Dodges the stab and grabs the bandit's arm he twisted until the Dagger falls out. He then throws the bandit over his shoulder. 2 other bandits start swinging at him; he keeps dodging all the punches with almost no effort.

He grabs one of their fists and pulls them both to hit each other. He then kicks one of them up to the air and does a bicycle kick which sends them crashing back down. He then lands on him and then changes at the other bandit. He kicks him in the gut and then clamps his hands together and smashes his head into the ground.

He then looks at the original bandit, the one that led us here. Fear can be seen in his eyes as Y/N walks towards him. He grabs a revolver out of his pocket and starts to take shots at Y/N. Y/N dodges all of the bullets and speeds towards him. He knees him in the gut then sweeps his legs. The bandit starts to fall but he grabs the bandit's face and smashes it in the ground as hard as he can. He then pulls the man's face out of the ground by his hair.

Y/N: You had enough yet? You're going to tell us where Raven is?

Bandit: Fuck you I won't tell you shit!

Y/N: (Sigh) Fine then, tell me you have any last words?

Bandit: W-what, you're going to kill me!? Kid you don't want to do that, it'll traumatize you forever!

Y/N: Trust me you wouldn't be my first kill.

His Blades then extend from his gloves and he steps on the bandits back. He readies his blade and aims at the bandits neck.

Yang: Y/N what are you doing!?

Y/N: I'm doing what has to be done. So bandit last chance to tell me anything before I kill you.

He stays silent.

Y/N: Fine then, just remember you chose this

Yang: Y/N DON'T!

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