A Storm Brewing....

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I got up from my bed and walked towards Bede. He looks up at me without uttering a single word. I sat down next to him.

Y/N: Bede, how are you feeling?

Bede: Fine…

Y/N: Alright I'll cut the small talk tell me why do you hate me?

Bede: Because you're a Freak!

Y/N: (Sigh) I know that's not the real reason.

Bede: Fine! You know what I'll tell you it's because I envy you!

Y/N: Why do you envy me? I thought I was a freak?

Bede: Because even back then you were better than me, no matter what I did to you, you didn't stop trying. I wanted to break you but I couldn't! Then it happened my father… he treated me like trash, he said I wasn't strong enough I wasn't smart enough! Then he said "Why don't you be more like that kid Y/N" Then when you became a teacher and a team leader my father just refused to talk to me!

Y/N: After all of that why give a shit about your dad! Be yourself not me! You're strong in your own ways, your semblance is strong as all hell all you need to do is practice and train hard!


Y/N: Don't just expect things to be better, strive so it can be better!

Bede:.... I guess. I just need time to think for myself.

Y/N: Alright well rest well.

Bede: Thanks…

I exit the room and head towards the outside of the stadium and try to look for Blake since Yang and Weiss won their match. I go to the fairgrounds and I decide to call Blake, but I then accidentally bump into a certain someone…

Y/N: (On the ground) Oh I'm sorry! (Gets up) Here let me help- oh hell no.

Violet: (Getting up) Y/N!

Y/N: Nope! I'm not doing this shit today!

Violet: Please I got something for you!

Y/N: (Sigh) What is it?

Violet: (Handing me a dust crystal) Well this is a modified fire dust crystal it's more powerful and has the ability to melt metal.

Y/N: Look I appreciate the gift, but I hope you know just a gift is not going to make me forgive you.

Violet: I know, but Y/N you need to get out of here, there are things you don't know about and as your mother I want-

Y/N: I'm going to stop you right there. I don't give a damn if you're my mom, to me you're another thorn in my side. I know things as well. I'm not as blind as you think I am.

Violet: That doesn't matter! There's a storm brewing and you're not strong enough! I'm not losing another child!

Y/N: Another?

Violet: I-I-I… Before you were born and I cheated on Qrow I had a secret child, he… he went down the wrong path and well. I'm dead to him for just standing in his way.

Y/N: Well what's his name?

Violet: Mercury Black…

Y/N: What. You mean the one with the grey hair is my half brother!

Violet: Yes, he is my son and your brother…

Y/N:.... Fucking hell every day there's something worse.

Violet: (Tries to grab my hand) Please you have to understand-

Y/N: You touch me and I will knock you out.

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