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I woke up in a hospital. I looked around for a bit until my eyes laid on my father Qrow.

Qrow: You okay kid.

Y/N: ...

Qrow: Look I know you never wanted to see me again, but please let me have another chance! I want to be your father.... Please.

Y/N: ...

Qrow: I see I'll leave if you want.

Y/N: No.... I forgive you dad.

Qrow: THANK YOU! I promise I'll be the best you can ever have!

He starts to hug me tighten me and I embrace it. It feels nice to finally have a parent. We continue to talk since well I can get out yet I had some minor injuries really but they just had to make sure I don't get an infection or anything of that sort. I talked about how I met auntie Raven.

Qrow: So you met Raven? We don't exactly see eye to eye after she left Yang and Tai, but she's still my sister.

Y/N: Yeah.. I didn't know you guys came from a tribe.

Qrow: Well there's a lot of things you don't know. I just hope I can come clean to you.

Y/N: Well let me ask you a question. What about my mother.

Qrow:...... (Sighs) She was not a good person. I was blind and I didn't see her for what you truly was, a cheater. That's why I left you I couldn't bear looking on her anymore so I left right on the spot it was about 3 months after you were born.

Y/N: So that's why you left me. You know I forgive you for that right?

Qrow: I know it's just-

A knocking came from the door and a doctor came in.

Doctor: Oh I'm sorry is it just a bad time? There's just someone trying to see Y/N she claims to be his mother.

Qrow: What? Wait that can only mean one thing no.

After that a woman in a lab coat came right through the door

Qrow:.... Violet... What are you doing here!?

Violet: I'm here to see my son. A better question is what are you doing here you drunk bastard.

Qrow: You're son!? He's my son unlike you I actually tried to care for him!

Violet: You left me!

Qrow: You cheated on me!? What was I supposed to do!

Violet: You we're always drunk and every time you got home you went straight to bed! I got fed up, you never did anything.

Qrow: So the best thing to do is cheat on me! Then put our child in an orphanage! What kind of stupid decision is that!?

Violet: I had no other choice! You know I work a dangerous job!

Qrow: You-

Y/N: SHUT UP! God my fucking head hurts. I have a battle tomorrow and I need to win it so if you please  leave me alone!

Violet: But-

Y/N: Now! That means you too Qrow.

They both left so the doctor could finally treat my wounds and everything.

Qrow POV

We left the room and sat down on some chairs near the lobby.

Violet: So... How has he been?

Qrow: ..... Not good.

Violet: Does he know about the maidens?

Qrow Did you know he was abused at the orphanage where you sent him?

Violet: I-

Qrow: Or that if he injures his arms just a little bit more he could lose all feeling in them?

Violet: That's not-

Qrow: That's not on Topic I know. I'm just confused on why you're just appearing now. You knew where he was yet you didn't seem to care.

Violet: You know my work-

Qrow: Is your work more important than your son.

Violet: I was already married again and I wanted to distance myself from him.

Qrow: Oh so you just leave them there to rot because you were married to another man. So if that's the case why are you here now?

Violet: ...... He's dead. He's been dead for a while but I only just said the courage to talk or at least see my son.



It turns out everything is fine with me so I'll be up and running for a match tomorrow with Pyrrha Nikos.

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