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I started to walk towards Beacon and when I got to the ballroom I saw Ozpin waiting for me.

Ozpin: Ah Y/N just the person I was waiting for. Now tell me do you have your notebook on you?

Y/N: Yes I always keep my notebook on me.

Ozpin: Good. Do you mind if I have a look?

Y/N: Sure.

I hand him the notebook and he starts looking through the pages. He then give me back my notebook.

Ozpin: Just as a thought your have a talent for these things. You know I could really use your help. I need you to spot the weaknesses and strengths of the new students.

Y/N: Ok that doesn't seem like an issue.

Ozpin: Good now remember you won't be participating in the actual initiation so I'll pick your team and remember it is at 7:00.

Y/N: Of course I got it.

Ozpin: Good. Now go walk off and familiarize yourself with the place.

I then walked off into the front of Beacon just taking a look around when I saw Kai.

Y/N: Hello Kai.

Kai: Oh shit. Uh hey Y/N look I-

Y/N: You know I'm not mad at you from that fight.

Kai: Oh good you know after you beat everyone else I kind of got to see your true power.

Y/N: I guess you could say that well good luck on the initiation by the way.

Kai: Thanks!

I go look around and I see someone under a tree reading a book.

Y/N: Do mind if I sit here?

???: No not at all.

I sit down and take out my notebook. I start going over some of the things I put in there like tactics and other stuff.

???: Hey how old are you.

Y/N: 15, why do you ask?

???: Isn't that a bit young?

Y/N: It is, but I earned my place here.

???: And how did you do that?

Y/N: Well tell me your name first and then I'll tell you.

???: Oh right my name is Blake.

Y/N: Well my name is Y/N and do you know about the tournament that went on in Vale.

Blake: Yeah but I didn't get to see it though I did hear that's some kind of underdog won.

Y/N: Yeah that's me I defeated everyone in the tournament even Pyrrha Nikos.

Blake: A 15 year old beat some of the best fighters in all of remnant.

Y/N: You don't believe me?

Blake: I do, it's just well kind of crazy I mean what's your semblance.

Y/N: Don't have one I also don't have any Aura.

Blake: You beat every single person in that tournament without your semblance or without aura.

Y/N: Yup, I just had my boots which were fitted with dust.

Blake: Well who trained you to fight then, I mean it must have been someone great.

You Can't Stop Me! (bullied/abused Auraless reader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now