Raven Vs Y/N

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Right now Qrow, Ozpin and I are discussing future plans and ways we can win this war.

Qrow: Things aren't looking Good Oz.

Ozpin: (Sigh) Ever the optimist Qrow, While I would not say our current predicament is... ideal, I think we can both agree that the situation could be much worse. Humanity is a resilient force.

Y/N: But it seems to be worse every day I mean, in the last 3 days 17 huntsmen have been murdered. Her influence is growing more and more at a staggering rate! There has to be something or someone influencing people to Join her side.

Qrow: But who would do that, I mean Salem's little henchmen aren't known for being the smartest people and definitely wouldn't expose themselves in the open like that.

Y/N: Maybe not a henchman but a team up.

Ozpin: There has been times Salem has teamed up with political leaders Like Oswald Mosley but that ended when he was killed.

Y/N: Exactly I killed him and that just put a massive mark on our heads or at least mine. 

Ozpin: That could be problematic.

Qrow: Very problematic they're one of the biggest parties in all of remnant! If they are working with Salem who knows how many people they have in their grasp that could kill us at any moment! 

Ozpin: We will push through and we do not have any proof that they are working with her. We need to secure the relics if she gets her hands on the relics…. I don't even want to imagine what kind of world she could make.

Y/N: We have to act swiftly. We can't delay this any longer. We'll go to Haven and make sure we have the relics.

Qrow: We need to defend him as well remember we plan an attack on this place and we cannot let it fall.

Ozpin: You are both right it's still early in the morning we still have time. Get everyone together and make sure they're ready for a fight.

Y/N: Yes sir!

I go over to grab everyone and sit them down in the living room.

Y/N: Alright everyone we're going to be heading out to Haven today bring your weapons and be ready soon could attack and I don't want any more of my students dying. 

Yang: What's our game plan if they do attack us?

Y/N: Well I'm going to make sure the relic is safe and in our hands. The rest is up to chance. We don't know how many could show up so be prepared for anything.

Jaune: After this what are we going to do?

Ruby: Yeah and what about the Beacon Relic is it still safe?

Y/N: Well the Relic is in safe hands and will hopefully stay in safe hands, for what we're going to do after Haven well and we will head to Atlas Academy to make sure the relic in Atlas is safe. Does anyone have any more questions?

No one speaks up.

Y/N: Alright then let's get going then.

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