CH. 2

804 31 12

Sienna Bianchi

A cold surface chilled my body to the bones as I retained slivers of consciousness. My hotel bed certainly wasn't this cold and the smell didn't reek this bad. With eyes heavier than a semi-truck, I strained my ears to pick up any clues as to where I had ended up.

It had been quite a time since I got this blackout drunk. My mind was a jumble of snippets and pieces, not settling under the forced strain. Just as I believed my mind to clear up, a striking painful headache withdrew a groan from me.

What the hell did I drink last night?

A pair of cold, small hands landed softly on my head. It had to be a woman's. No man would ever have such small hands. Blurry speech barely broke through the underwater feeling I had gotten stuck in.

Forcing my eyes open, I cursed at the unclear image in front of me. Giving it a couple of seconds, the picture cleared up just to send the shocking images of the meeting flying past my eyes.

The large cellar of a room encircled by steel bars was filled to the brim with young, scantily clothed women of all ages. The majority of the girls looked less than eighteen years old. Huddles of these girls cried on each other's shoulders in the small corners they could hide. He actually did it. The mothefucker took me.

Blinking up at the young girl capturing my head, a violent surge of scorching rage filled my being. The girl was smudged with dirt, her blonde hair almost brown due to the lack of water and grooming appliances. No girl or woman should ever have to endure this hell.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked the young girl, switching over to Italian as most of the other girls were speaking that language.

"None of us know where we are but the Master told us to be silent if we didn't want an early grave" The girl whispered, trails of silent tears streaming down her smudged face.

"What's your name, honey?" I whispered back, smiling as warmly as I could in this veil of rage.

"Sofia" The girl responded after a few seconds of tense silence.

"We're going to be okay, Sofia" I comforted, wrapping my hands around the cold girl. The small dress she was wearing did barely cover her body, nor warm her in any sort of shape.

Dragging my shaking body off the cold cement floor, I shook the red suit jacket off my body and handed it to Sofia. I was the person with the most clothes on down here and I could handle some damn cold.

"Take this honey. It'll keep you warm r" I muttered to the nearly blue girl, inching the red jacket around her small body and shut it tight.

Unable to bury the anger sizzling in my veins, I slowly walked over to the steel bars. A dark hallway with a big door at the end was the only place out of here and I was dead sure that I'd do anything to get us out.

"Hey, asshole. Get me the fuck out of here" I boomed from my cell, almost shaking the gravel off the walls. "Federico, I swear to god"

The large door slammed open and the sleaze of a man paraded through the door with a disgusting proud smile on his face. He had changed out of the blue suit he wore during our meeting and was now decked out in a midnight black one.

"You called for me princess" Federico smirked, clearly satisfied with the feat he had pulled off.

"Get me the fuck out of here" I demanded, fire lacing my harsh voice.

"Mind your mouth bitch" Federico spat, moving closer to the bars to grab a hold of me. Easily deflecting the pathetic attempt, I slipped by his outstretched hand.

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