CH. 8

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"Don't question her fire. She could startle the monsters that stop your heart"
- Anonymous

Sienna Bianchi

Quiet mumbling woke me up from what felt like hibernation. From the amount of alcohol I had thrown down last night, I was expecting one killer hangover but it never showed its ugly face. Trying to move my boneless body to get the circulation running again, I slowly managed to move under the expensive sheets.

"Easy there, Ducky"

Vince's voice broke through my jumbled mind, forcing me to open my crusty eyes. Rubbing the collected junk out of my eyes with the heels of my palms, a blurred image of Vince, Leo and Mattia appeared. A frown snuck up on my face at the worry stuck on theirs.

"What are you two doing here and why do you look like someone killed your dog?"

"You've been out a whole day, Sienna. I believe that grants me some leeway to be concerned" Leo argued, taking a seat beside me on the bed.

An IV caught my eye as I moved to take hold of Leo's hand. Not the biggest fan of needles, I yanked the needle out of my hand with force - leaving a trail of blood staining the white sheets. Unbothered by the mess I'd made, the three men jumped on my frail body.

"C-can't breathe" Drowned in a heavy blanket of steroid looking bodybuilders, my lungs heaved for air. As much as I loved the three idiots, I was rather attached to breathing.

"Get off me idiots" I wheezed, tapping Mattia's back to release the pressure.

"I'm going to kill you myself if you scare me like that again, Ducky" Mattia whined as the three men got off me. By the way I was panting, I could just as easily have run a marathon.

"I love you too, Mattie" I gushed, wrapping my arms around his broad frame. Exhausted and confused, I felt more emotional than I've done in awhile.

"We need to talk, Sienna" Leo murmured from beside us, resulting in me letting go of my gentle giant.

Moving to slide off the bed to grant us some privacy, I grabbed his hand and held him back. Mattia was just as much family as Leo and Vince were, which meant that he should be let in on the secrets as well. Wrapping me up in his arms again, I gestured for Leo to start talking.

"Gio told us that you figured out the surveillance deal. According to grandfather, you were supposed to. We're going back to the States the second you're fit to fly"

Having had some time to ponder over the fact that they watched my every move from the tender age of fifteen, I felt more disappointed than anything else. Leo knowing about this ordeal was nothing I hadn't already expected. Somehow, all my family had managed to do was lie and deceive me.

"Okay, I'll be ready to go in an hour" I muttered, withholding from making a spectacle. I'd been involved in way too many over the last week and my energy levels weren't exactly up for it.

"I'm sorry you got dragged into this. It was never my intention to get you hurt by our enemies. I should have been more careful" Leo confessed, his body almost losing its will to stand.

"I don't blame you, Leo. Grandfather put you up to this and you shouldn't have had to carry all this on your own" I truthfully spoke as I moved towards him and crushed his body in my arms.

I could never stay angry at Leo for long. He was my own flesh and blood, the one that kept me grounded when my life got too much to handle on my own. A choice made by our family and pushed over on him wasn't nearly enough to keep us apart. Our hug soon got interrupted by two other brothers, mushing us all together.

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