Let's go!

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Hi there! 👋🏼

The wait is finally over. I've been tweaking the chapters a bit before publishing to set up the baseline for the story and that's why it has taken some time to publish.

As always, I would love your feedback regarding the length of the chapters considering their double the length of my other story. Do let me know if they become too boring to read or if breaking them up suits better.

Don't hesitate to point out any plot holes, spelling mistakes, opinions or naughty thoughts. I love reading them all!

I've decided not to post pictures of the characters so that you can picture them yourselves and leave your opinions as to who you think they look alike.

⚠️Final warning
This story contains strong content, crude language, sex-scenes and references that may not suit you. I've experienced a bit with the more taboo topics, so if your easily offended I would advise you to choose another story.

Happy reading!❤️

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