CH. 13

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"Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient"
- Steve Maraboli

Sienna Bianchi

The lavish estate Mattia, or rather Giovanni had offered us held all the necessary appliances needed to take care of the shivering girls we'd just rescued. Huddled up in small groups, the older women kept watch over the younger ones, making sure they all entered the estate unscathed. Having been locked up for a rather long time, there was no question that they had watched over the young for quite some time.

While the younger girls looked relatively healthy and fed, the older ones looked like straight up skeletons. Thinking back to the dark dungeon they'd been locked up in, they had obviously passed their meals down to the ones needing it the most. Admiring the backbone and determination of these women, I felt both enraged and proud of my own sex. You couldn't deny the fact that these girls were flat out heroes.

"Right, there should be enough rooms for you to have a bed to sleep in and bathrooms to get cleaned up. We'll have some food and clothes out for you as quickly as possible. Any request? Stella makes some mean pizzas" I gently asked the girls huddling around me in the large foyer.

Bewildered by having the simple option to choose, they stayed quiet as they let their minds wander. It shouldn't have come as a surprise to me but having them actually pondering the fact that they could answer without repercussions had my blood boiling. No one, man or woman should be denied the opportunity to speak their mind. Dousing the fire threatening to swallow me whole, Stella and I waited patiently for an answer.

"I'm all down for pizza. Haven't had one of those in ages" A younger girl finally found the courage to comment out loud. Around fifteen or sixteen years old, the frail girl took a courageous step away from the group and walked carefully over to me. Not knowing what she had in mind, a pair of small arms wrapped around me tightly.

Had I been able to handle anything other than rage, I would have buckled under the pressure and cried my eyes out at the big gesture. Her action might have seemed small but having a girl been captured and diminished for god knows how long expressing her gratitude so openly tugged on my miniscule heartstrings. Gathering my wits, I embraced the girl with care she so desperately needed.

In under a second, both Stella and I were swallowed in grateful hugs from the remaining girls. In a huge hugging circle, we all found safety in each other. You only get to experience these kinds of connections a limited amount of times in your life and I was fully aware of just that fact. We had gone through something traumatic together and the bonds forming was a result of us surviving together.

Going from viciously killing a mafia boss and his men to feeling utmost responsible for the girls he had captured, I felt an urgent need to keep them safe. Like a mother to her kids, the responsibility for these women manifested somewhere deep down inside. In all the grueling hours training with grandfather, I finally felt utterly grateful for the skills he had taught me, allowing me to be the strong woman I had grown up to be. He made this whole operation available for me to complete. 

"Thank you for saving us, Sienna" The young girl muttered under her breath while still clinging to my body like glue. Not remotely able to force down the gentle smile on my face, Stella pouted at me from afar. These girls were adorable. "You don't have to thank me, sweetheart. It was our pleasure. No one should ever have to experience what you girls went through. What's your name, darling?"

"Amelia" She quietly replied, glancing up at me. Feeling a bit uncomfortable under my full attention, I glanced over at the remaining girls as I spoke to her. It was more than understandable that she felt uneasy being the center of attention. "Well Amelia, how about we dish out some pizza for you guys. Would you like to help us?" I offered, giving her the freedom to choose.

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