CH. 10

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Sienna Bianchi

A week later

"According to Mr. Montblanc's will we would be honored to offer you the position. It appears that the board has grown quite impressed by you Ms. Bianchi. Can we expect you to take us up on the offer?"

The interim CEO stated rather strained. It came as no surprise to me that he was annoyed by how things turned out. In his fifties, the man was more than capable of taking care of the growing business. With the way he was glaring at me, he wanted the position full-time.

"Certainly" I confidently stated, efficiently signing the legal contracts. Montblanc Inc. was now mine to do as I wished and Stella stood planted by my side.

"It's a pleasure to have you on board, Ms. Bianchi. We have great expectations for the company's growth under your leadership" The late CEO forced out in a pathetic attempt to frighten me. He would have to man up and carry a dirty bomb for me to feel frightened in his presence.

"Thank you. I'm sure you'll be satisfied with our results. We're already close to locking down a few highly lucrative deals" I boasted of the team of handpicked individuals behind me as the old man and the board members' eyes widened.

"You sure don't waste any time, do you Ms. Bianchi?" One of the younger board members commented.

"I'm afraid that's not in my dna. Now if you excuse me, I have a company to run and a funeral to get to. Have a nice evening ladies and gentlemen"

Ending the customary board meeting, Stella shooed them all out of the meeting room with a pleasant smile on her face. Having assigned her a PA herself, she hadn't downed in work just yet. For things to go as smoothly as possible, I needed her available when the opportunity presented itself.

"Damn! You're one smoking boss, Stitch" Stella teased, fanning herself off for dramatics.

"It's not like they couldn't take your eyes off you either, Lilo"

It was the obvious truth. During the entire meeting, the men of the board had bounced back and forth between the both of us. Like dogs to a bone, they'd been drooling all week. That wasn't all that surprising to me either. Stella shared the same disdain towards the strict, ancient dress code.

Two young, confident women wearing whatever they desired was bound to cause a reaction. Smiling with satisfaction, I arranged the documents used during our meeting and left. One quick stop at my new office to discard the files was done before we left for the funeral.

"Are you ready for this?" Stella muttered as we got seated in the assigned town car owned by the company.

"Not at all"

In the storm that was swaying the board members to allow me the reins of Montblanc, I had somewhat managed to drown those specific thoughts. My family was getting laid to rest for good and I found myself wishing to be anywhere but here.

"I'll be right by your side. Always!"

Stella's sweet sentiment subdued the fire that was roaring inside. It was a conscious decision to withdraw myself from the preparations for the funeral. To stay focused on the main mission, it did me no good pondering on the past. Grandfather would have kicked my ass if I did.

"I appreciate that, Lilo"

The ride to our family church went too quick for my liking. Had it been up to me, I could have used another day or two. Being Italians themselves, our parents and grandfather spend more than enough time in this gracious church.

Catholic like the day was long, they adhered to the religious stipulations like clockwork. While they had tried to pass their religion down on us, Leo and I found ourselves to be atheists. Whether that was due to the availability of information or environment, we still respected their beliefs even though we didn't join the congregation.

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