CH. 19

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"Eventually you'll end up where you need to be, with the people you're meant to be with, doing what you should be doing" - Anonymous

Sienna Bianchi

We don't meet people by accident. Everyone is meant to cross our path for a reason. Watching Stella hanging out with Kylie and Mattia only cemented the fact. Our little circle had expanded existentially over a short time, all either as free spoken or crazy themselves. We'd found ourselves accepted into a family caring little about social standings but rather who we were as people.

"Bitch, you left me with Luca only to get your vagina pounded? That's cold even for you" Stella shouted for the entirety of Sicily to hear, unashamed by her crude words. Smirking in self-satisfaction at my blonde bestie, the deep red hickies on her neck didn't escape me. She had her fair share of fun on her own.

"Like yours didn't get obliterated. Nice hickies, babe"

Winking at me in affirmation, our newfound tatted beauty burst out laughing. Our open-minded relationship had been somewhat of an issue around other people apart from this crowd that is. Kylie and Mattia loved it. Giovanni and Luca har learned not to be shocked by it, although they were worse when they thought no one was listening. Dirty boys.

"Honey! How was the date?" Wrapped up in a pair of motherly arms and a chuckling Gio, Lina smashed the three of us together with surprising strength. "Madre. Lina!" We complained in unison like a pair of embarrassed kids. You had to give it to her. Lina was an amazing mother.

"Well, don't just stand there. Tell me" She whined, pouting at the two of us the second she let us go. Pushing her son towards her to take the fall, I quickly slid out of reach and winked at them both. His mother, his responsibility.

Glancing over at Stella, I motioned towards the door. We had some business to discuss, preferably without the crowd. Noticing the urgency in my eyes, she jumped out of her seat and strode towards me with laser focus.

One of the many things she excelled at was the ability to quickly transform from goofy to full-blown business-mode in a matter of seconds, only to flip back when in need of a pick me up.

Sliding out of the room unnoticed by the many merry people, Kylie was the only one picking up on our departure. An act that didn't particularly surprise me. The woman was a born and bred assassin for god's sake. Making a split second decision, I gestured for her to join us. Another scheming woman couldn't hurt.

Quickly catching up to us, we quietly ran through the empty halls of the Medeterranian mansion. The amount of guards around here had scattered since we made it back, likely occupied with the warehouse situation.

Not minding the empty place all that much, we scurried to Stella's room and locked the door behind us. They both needed to know the deal about the galla and Federico's supposed plan. Starting from the moment we left the door last night, I left nothing untouched.

"Let me get this straight. You guys killed a sniper trying to take you out at dinner, had a night filled with rough sex, got invited to the gala of the century and got warned about the weasel coming for you in all under twenty-four hours? Fuck, I miss that life. So, what's the plan? My people would me more than happy to help you out" Kylie recaptured and offered all in one breath. The excitement of death and destruction calling on her like it did me. There was a reason the two of us got along like two peas in a pond.

"That's the gist of it. The easy way out would be to simply take him out during the galla. No fuss, no collateral. But doing that would only leave his trafficking ring to fall in someone else's hands. I can't have that. We need him tied up somewhere remote and secluded. I'll cut the information out of him should I have to" I concluded, spitting out the last sentence. At the rate we were going, I needed him destroyed. Absolutely, irreversibly destroyed.

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