CH. 11

550 23 4

Giovanni De Luca

That might have come out all wrong and realization fell upon me the second she stormed out the door. Reminder to myself, don't argue with Sienna when she's sleepy. Shaking of the shock, I noticed a similar reaction on both Leo and my mother's faces. I took that a step too far.

"I knew she wasn't kidding when she told me she'd been trained but I never expected that. What the fuck did you do to turn her bat shit crazy?" Leo seethed the second his shock wore off. Being as protective of her as I tried to be, I couldn't really blame him for being angry. It was all sorts of wrong for me to bring this up, today of all days. They had just buried their family for fucks sake and here I was chastising her.

"I'm a dick" I muttered, regretting the distance I caused between us. We had finally gotten somewhat closer and then I manage to fucking blow it. "I'll go apologize"

"Give her some space. She made it abundantly clear she didn't want you around right now. I'm pretty sure she'll blow your face off if you get near her. And for God sakes, get rid of the surveillance"

Stunned to silence by the headstrong Bianchi daughter, I heeded my mother's warning. We had originally planned to resume the surveillance with the support of Leo but Sienna's fiery warning made quick work of evaporating that agreement. I had no men to lose and I'm sure Leo felt the same way.

"Let's take this to my office, shall we?" Leo stated, fighting down his anger for professionalism. Keeping my mouth shut, I simply nodded and followed him. Ashamed and guilty for creating this mess, starting another one with the other Bianchi was useless.

The reception had fallen quiet when we left the room I had occupied for the last week. A fuming Sienna sure didn't allow for a party. Another thing I'd managed to spoil. What a day.

Moving through the now empty mansion, we easily caught the attention of our men chilling out. Frowning at our tense posture, they gave us a swift glance before returning to their mindless fun. Neither Leo nor I were approachable in this mood we seemed to share.

Entering the room we'd spent countless hours in over the last few days, Leo took his assigned seat behind his desk. Once his father's, the dark piece of furniture was passed to the next leader of the Bianchi family. As it should be. He had done an outstanding job considering the rapid succession to the throne.

"Allow me to apologize for disturbing the reception. That wasn't my intention at all" I genuinely apologized. All I wanted was for Sienna to get some decent sleep, not spoiling the entire day. This day should have been all about love and remembrance. Leave it to me to make it screaming and arguments instead.

"There's no need to apologize for the reception. That was dead the second Sienna went to bed. Most of our men stayed around to watch out for her" Leo informed, indicating that I needed to apologize for something else. Contrary to popular belief, I was raised well enough to admit to my mistakes.

"Needed or not, I'm truly sorry for making such a spectacle. This day should have been about your family. My disability to keep my thoughts to myself is an unfortunate byproduct"

"Your honesty is appreciated but I'm not the person you should tell this to. My sister is, when she calms down of course. You may want to keep your distance for a few days. Sienna is known for her ability to hold a grudge when she wants to" He chuckled, pouring himself a drink for something strong before making one for me.

"That doesn't surprise me. Somehow she's inherited your grandfather's most feared ability" I added, taking a sip of the strong amber liquid. Ignoring the harsh sting coating my tongue, we quickly drained the crystal glasses before refilling them.

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