CH. 14

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"Fire in her eyes and ice in her words; she decides what you get"- Matt Baker

Sienna Bianchi

A wise man once told me that silence is the best way to let someone know they've done you wrong. That it takes strength to forgive someone that ain't sorry at all. By the way I treated Giovanni last night, I was nowhere near strong.

Petty? Likely. Angry? Most definitely. That cocky behavior of his made my blood boil. Parading around his privilege like a purse dog rubbed me the wrong way. Sure, I grew up privileged as fuck, but I never saw it as a means to promote myself or my goals. If anything, I wanted to accomplish my dreams on my own.

Groomed to respect my superiors and elders, the best course of action was to keep my mouth shut. With my foul word vomit disease, I would have started another war. It could be handled, no doubt about that, but I was more than happy with my Federico one to wish for another.

I left him high and dry, not bothering to listen as he spewed pure bullshit. An apology would have been appreciated. It was nowhere in sight. It wasn't like I expected one anyway. Don of the Cosa Nostra spoke of no such weakness. Being in the wrong or not. Ignoring the son of a bitch, he eventually grew tired of his own voice and fled.

"Bitch! You let me sleep on the fucking couch while you got the bed for yourself? I should kill you, Stitch"

Who needs an alarm clock when you have a loud as fuck best friend? Barging through the door like we were under siege, Stella jerked me out of my much desired nap with smoke leaving her ears.

"Killing your boss is like killing the goose laying golden eggs, Lilo. Now get over here" I teased, lifting off the sheets for her to scoot under. Softening at my suggestion, she streaked over and wrapped herself around me like a snake.

The two of us sharing a bed like this was nothing close to new. Stuck together like glue since preschool and living in the same house, we spent more time sleeping together than not. At some point she took the role of my personal plushy to keep me safe just as I did her.

Hell, we shared a room for nearly a decade. She was always the one taking care of me and patching me back together after my lessons with Dante after he beat the shit out of me the first year of training. She helped me cover up my bruises so I could hide them from my family and not break the insane promise I gave my grandfather. Stella was and always would be my ride or die.

Getting her head comfortable on my chest, a content sigh left her plump lips. They're called cushions for a reason. Smiling to myself at the god awful joke, my hand wandered over Stella's platinum blonde hair. Oh, how jealous I used to be at her golden locks.

"Did you tell the girls that we got company?" I murmured, sliding my fingers through her silky hair.

"Yeah. They were skeptical at first but you know Mattie. He charmed their socks off" Stella moaned, clinging on to me like a rash. Her answer was expected. Who could deny Mattia's charm?

"He's a cutie pie" I agreed, melting into the bed under Stella's warmth. How people managed to fall asleep alone was a mystery to me. Space might be amazing at times but a popsicle like me needed some added body heat.

"Are you talking about me, honey?"

Talk about the sun and it shall appear. Leaning on the door, Mattia stood smiling down at us. Something must be in the air around here. Wearing a grey tracksuit, my gentle giant opted out his beloved charcoal suit. Lina must have loved my hangover outfit enough to force it upon them or Venice was an exception.

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